Chapter 2-MMM Yeah

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Tyler POV
I walked over to the table where E.L. was. I took a seat across from her sitting next to a blonde girl who I think had the name Eve.

E.L. looked at me but finished her conversation with the two other girls.

She then tuned to me and said, "What do you have for fourth period?"

I could sense something in her voice. I pushed it to the side to think about it later. "I have Science."

The three looked at me and I began to feel a little uncomfortable. The girl beside me said, "Hey, I'm Eve, the girl with glasses is Flama, and I'm sure you met E.L."

I just nodded my head signaling yes. I could tell that these three are very good friends.

I looked at E.L. and she looked back at me. I could tell she was that girl that never really talked to anyone, and seemed pretty down to earth. I never realized that she had a whole other side from the quiet good girl.

I looked at Tyler and thought to myself. This boy in front of me was definitely the boy with sunflowers.

So apparently we had homeroom, science, and orchestra together. We talked for awhile and then homeroom started.

I always found homeroom kinda boring because all we ever did with Mrs.Rogers was worksheets and lectures. I thought reading is supposed to be reading and telling what you thought of the book. Not English class.

Our day went on as any other day until I got to science. The science room was made so that four people can sit at one table except for the first table I every row. They only had two chairs.

I sat at the table in the back on the left side. Soon more students came through the doors. First it was Onii-Chan (Eve), Senpai-Chan (Flama), then Tyler.

We all sat at the same table and talked until the teacher came. She introduced herself as Mrs. Harvey. Let me just say, Mrs.Harvey is the best teacher ever since my music teacher in Elementary School. Mrs. Harvey made everyone laugh and she was the best at teaching.

I didn't realize that I was smiling throughout that class until Tyler pointed it out at lunch.

Again, we four sat at the same table. I didn't know how, but Tyler being there made me want to punch his face.

As the day went on, it was finally time for orchestra. I walked through the door and immediately went to grab a cello before I even put my stuff down.

I went to sit down in a chair in the cello section I scanned the room and I saw Tyler. He saw me and smiled. I waved awkwardly and got to practicing.

Soon Mr. Taylor walked out of his office and gave us instructions for today.

"Hey guys, so as you all know, today you all will be trying out to see which chair you are in." He began, "I also have a surprise for you all. Today when you play for your chairs, you'll also have the opportunity to play for a competition called The Garo Duet International Competition. Two teams from this school in its orchestra program will be chosen to go to preliminaries and if you pass those you'll be heading to Europe for the real competition. So everyone please choose a partner if you would like to participate. Otherwise, I will call your name when it's your turn to play. Afterward, the teams will play for me and I will choose the teams that are going to the preliminaries."

After he was done the students talked to each other about the competition. Many students wanted to try for the competition. To be perfectly honest, I wanted to try for the competition too. Not for the prize or fame, but to play for the people who are going to hear it. It might even help me with my colors.

I looked around the room to see teams forming, but I had a little trouble for me. So many students wanted to be my partner but I didn't feel like any of them had the type of person I'm looking for.

I looked around the room again but didn't see Tyler. Suddenly a hand lands on my head and my reflexes kicked in. I hit the hand.

I turned around to see Tyler holding his hand but smiling. At least I got to hit him.

I stood up holding my cello with my hand and my bow on the stand. I looked at him and he held his violin.

I don't know what happened but I sat down and Tyler stood beside me. Then we just played. I looked at the music to see that we're playing Am I wrong.

I honestly enjoyed it. I pulled the bow and played the song with my heart. I smiled and looked at Tyler. He pulled the bow wildly like me. He had his eyes closed and had a smile on his face. I also closed my eyes and battled with him for the lead.

Soon we were done with our song. We looked at each other and smiled. But that was cut short by clapping. We looked around the room to see that everyone heard what we were playing. All eyes are on us. We both blushed and sighed.

He looked at me and said, "You know, you have more pink now. Your blue went down as well."

I blushed but smiled back. "And you have roses and daisies."

It was his turn to blush now. I smirked at him and poked his arm. He glared at me but I just looked back at him innocently. Soon Tyler's name was called to play.

He's the only one besides Onii-Chan and Senpai-Chan to see my pink. But he's the only one that made my pink stronger. I thought. Tyler might find them out.

Tyler POV
I walked into the office and played for Mr. Taylor. I did my best but I just wanted to get back out and play with E.L.

I walked out and over to E.L. She looked towards me and tilted her head. I just rolled my eyes. This girl can act like nobody's business.

We played other songs together and after every one of them there was clapping from every student in the room. Well, except for one team. One was a cellist and the other was a violist. I just shrugged it off. Who cares about their opinions. We'll play how we want to.

Soon E.L. went to play and when she came out it was time to go. I asked if I can walk with her but she shook her head and left me behind and walked out with Flama and Eve.

I just stood there holding my violin with one hand and the other in my pocket. I said, "Mmm yeah."

The Cellist Girl With Five Secrets |Stars Beyond Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now