Chapter 12-Dance Battles and Fist Fights

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I looked at the group in disappointment and I walked over to Tyler. My legs still felt weird but I can still walk.

"Alright Ty so let's see..." I began. "Ya know those two that are like... I don't know but the 'couple'. Well they're siblings and the boy's name is Phoenix and the girl's name is Adara. Don't mind them they just hang because they're siblings with a certain past so ya. Now those two over there well... They're both idiots. Probably more idiot than you." I said to Tyler.

"Hey!" He said. I just stifled a laugh.

"But seriously their names are Kwan and Magnar. Don't mess with them if you want to die. They try to kill me but they can't~~." I said cockily.

Kwan and Magnar looked at me with rage and they ran at me and Tyler. I smirked but all I was worried about was making sure that Tyler didn't die hanging out with us like this.

I grabbed Tyler's arm and just like before I flipped him and I went with him. I laughed at Tyler's face looked scared. I got Tyler out of the way and I flipped Kwan and Magnar but instead of me making sure they land safely I let them fall to the ground with a thud. I laughed as they looked up confused and out of breath. They really are idiots.

"Kwan why didn't you stop her?!" Magnar said angrily.

"Hey it wasn't my fault that you're weak!" Magnar replied.

"Why you...!"

They both began to fist fight and so a couch appeared and Adara and Phoenix handed all of us popcorn. How they got it the world may never know.

We sat as we watched them fight giving each other bruises. This was fun I loved these people. I looked at the time and realized it was six. We had three hours.

"Hey guys we only have three more hours until it's time to hit the club and karaoke place." I said.

They all looked at me wide eyed while Tyler just sat there confused. I sighed and nodded my head. They all began freaking out and I smirked getting an idea.

"Hey Tyler can you ask Nathan and Elijah if they wanna come? I think Eve and Flama will really appreciate it if they could come~" I whisper in his ear.

"Um sure..." Tyler replied blushing.

"Hey what did you tell Ty?" Flama asked.

"Oh nothing~" I replied with a coy smile.

The Cellist Girl With Five Secrets |Stars Beyond Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now