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Tyler lived a long life, lonely yet determined to soon reach E.L. in her place at Heaven. He would see her again one day, and he would make sure that her told her how she felt after her death.

Tyler lived until the age of eighty-five. He was watching the science channel and it came to the topic of a new star they have found.

"This new star has had many scientists stumped as to why such a star could exist. The reason as to why such a star has gotten scientists confused is the fact that this star has many different colors, and the star seems to be moving towards some space in the universe." The man on the TV said.

Tyler began to smile, realizing his breathing was getting shorter. He looked up at the stars and smiled once he saw the star, he took his last breath and closed his eyes.

He opened his eyes and he was standing in a clearing full of green grass. He looked around and saw a lake of water. He walked over and took a look at his reflection in the water. He was exactly what he looked like when he was sixteen. The age E.L. died.

"Hey idiot. It took you long enough." A voice said behind Tyler.

He turned around and he caught sight of the black hair that belonged to E.L.  He stood up quickly and turned around to come face to face with E.L.  She was smiling and Tyler ran giving her a huge hug in which she returned.

"You're right, it has been a long time. I just need to tell you something. I've wanted to tell you this for so long E.L." Tyler said while his arms were around E.L. "I love you too."

E.L. pulled away and smiled as she looked at him. She grabbed his face in her hands and gave him a gentle kiss in which he gladly returned. The trees around them swayed to the wind, and cherry blossoms fell around them. This is exactly what both of them have been wanting for so long.

"It seems the star has stopped, and is now standing next to another strange star. The distance between them is extremely close, yet they don't seem to be colliding." The reporter said.

All stars are souls, and it just so happens that E.L.'s soul has become the brightest. She loved him, and he loved her. Their souls were forever intertwined from the moment they saw the other play the first note. Soulmates are what they call them. Many think that soulmates are just a myth, but others believe it was just meant to be.

The Cellist Girl With Five Secrets |Stars Beyond Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now