Chapter 25-The Musical Truth

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Tyler POV
I'm pretty nervous about having a conversation with E.L.'s parents. They don't really seem like people who'll let someone like me enter their mansion. That scared me more.

E.L.'s parents entered the large dinning hall and sat down on the opposite side from where E.L. and I resided.

"So Tyler, what do you like study in your free time?" Mr. Samori said.

I looked at E.L. and I could see that In her eyes she didn't want me to say music, so I decided I would say cars.

"Well, I've become very knowledgeable on cars and I think I might want to engineer in cars." I said as formally as I could. It sounded like I was having an interview and it sucked.

"Oh do you enjoy anything else?" Mrs. Samori asked.

"Yes actually, I do enjoy music." I said confidently.

E.L.'s parents looked at me and I looked back. It feels kind of weird to not be allowed to say music. I glanced at E.L. to see her with a faint smile on her face.

That idiot. I told him. Oh well, I guess now is a good time since he's here. I thought. I sat up and my parents gave me a warning glare that I ignored.

"Fine, you wanna know something Mother and Father? I have secrets. I may be a straight A student but here's the thing," I began. "What you hate I love. I love cars, I'm in a gang and I gotta say I'm a badass and I street race. Oh and you know Rave Mistress? Her music is inspiring. You've been keeping me in your chains that you call love. That's not love. No that's a prison. You only want what you want and you've gone too far by taking her life! There was nothing wrong with her! Why would you do that to your own daughter, Dad?! WHY!"

I was yelling now and I felt a hand wipe off the tears that fell from my eyes. My eyes traced the hand to Tyler who was giving me a sympathetic smile.

My parents glared at me with anger in their eyes. My mother looked like she was about to cry and yell at me while my father fumed anger evident in his steady glare. My father opened his mouth and said, "Your sister was an idiot even when she was in her early twenties. She hung out with her friends and went to concerts. She was a terrible influence on you! You should be glad that she's gone and doesn't have to take you to all those concerts. That isn't the life you were born to follow!"

I looked at him in shock. All of the anger, sadness, loneliness, and pain was all coming up at once and I knew now was the time to let it out. "Oh I was born to have a path that you followed? I was born to do what you said? I was born TO BE YOUR PUPPET?!!!"

My father glared at me. He held up his hand and I braced myself for the coming pain. It never came though. I opened my eyes to see Tyler holding his face with his hand. He looked up a little and I saw a large, red mark on his face. I ran over to him and asked if he was okay.

"I'm fine. Just a little bruise." Tyler responded still holing his face.

"Your a huge idiot." I say bluntly.

"Elane Luna, your sister didn't have the potential you do. She died in an accident. Why do you blame me?" My father asked anger still in his voice.

"Your also an idiot. I don't blame you for her death. No Lina was a good girl. What I do hate about you both is that you didn't care that she died. Instead you smiled more after her death. What a joke that I have parents like that." I said sternly.

"Go to your room!" My father said yelling. "And you," he said pointing his index finger at Tyler, "leave."

"He's not leaving father. He's coming with me. After all, you did promise that he could stay the night." I said cockily leaving the room with the injured boy.

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