Chapter 5-Elijah and Nathan

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Tyler POV
I woke up at 6:30 and got ready for school. I was always a morning person. I headed to the kitchen to grab breakfast. I stepped in and saw pancakes on the skillet. I smiled and looked at my mom. I thanked her and ate my food and left for the bus.

I sat on the bus alone and looked out the window until my friends came and sat in the seat behind me. I turned around and said hi to Elijah and Nathan. We talked until we got to the school and got off. I went to the orchestra room and waited. Soon E.L. came and saw me with Elijah and Nathan. Her eyes widened and she looked around and disappeared for a few seconds to come back dragging Flama and Eve behind her. She's surprisingly strong if she can do that.

She came up to us and Flama just stood looking uncomfortable and Eve was hiding behind E.L.  I smiled and introduced Elijah and Nathan to the girls. E.L. nodded her head and smirked. She stepped aside so that Eve could be seen by us and pushed her towards Elijah. She looked away and huffed. Elijah smiled and began to talk to her. Eve slowly talked back, and E.L. pushed Flama towards Nathan. Flama blushed while Nathan had a grin on his face.

E.L. turned towards me and said, "My work here is done."

She walked ahead of me and I ran to catch up. I was a little confused by what she said. One of the reasons I introduced Nathan and Elijah to those two is because Nathan and Elijah have had crushes on them for awhile. I'm just a little confused that they hit it off well.

I shrugged and followed E.L. to homeroom. I looked at her and saw she had headphones on. I tapped her shoulder and she looked back at me. I tapped my ear to signal what was she listening to? She took off her headphones and put them on me. I listened and realized it was a song by Rave Mistress. I looked at her and smiled. I never thought she'd be into this kind of stuff. Not like I am. Rave Mistress is an amazing DJ. I gave her back the headphones and and walked to homeroom.

The school day was boring until we got to science. Mrs. Harvey said that we were doing a two week project working in five groups with six students per team. E.L., Flama, Eve, and me made four. I looked around and saw Klara and Jackal alone. I walked towards them and asked if they wanted to work in our group. Jackal looked relieved and nodded while Klara seemed less excited. They followed me to my table and grabbed two chairs and sat.

Everything would of been fine if Jackal and Klara weren't staring at E.L.  Klara had a look of hatred while Jackal had a smile. I wanted to punch him for some reason. E.L. smiled at Jackal like nothing was wrong. It really aggravated me.

We started on the project. The project was to create a spaghetti noodle tower that will hold a marshmallow and withstand minor 'natural disasters' or something like that. First we had to create a design then a blueprint and then build it with the given supplies.

The project went pretty well except for Jackal and Klara. Those two I swear, they both kept staring at E.L.  I don't know but she didn't seem to notice. I sighed as I worked on my idea. I swear this project is kinda hard. E.L., Eve, and Flama look like its a breeze. They seem to be enjoying themselves.

The day went on after that quietly. E.L. had headphones on the entire day while looking at her phone. I tried to look at what she was doing but every time I tried to she'd shield her phone or slap my face away from it. Now I have a slap mark on my face.

In orchestra E.L. and I, and Klara and Jackal got to practice away from everyone else because of the prelims and us being the ones chosen for it. We got a room to ourselves so we could practice with our partner. E.L. and I went to our chosen room to practice and we played the whole time not needing to communicate with words but with our music.

Soon the period was over so I asked E.L. if we could practice at her house.

Her answer, "No."

"Why not? I mean come on!" Tyler complained.

I sighed, I didn't have time for this. My piece isn't quite finished because I don't have Tyler's recording. I had to finish it by Saturday so I can get to the club.

He kept complaining after we left the building and he still won't stop following me. I swear this guy.

I turned around to face him and took a deep breath. Then I lashed out.

"I SWEAR STOP FOLLOWING ME JUST GET THE MUSIC TO YOU KNOW WHO ALREADY!!" I yell in his face. I stopped yelling and gave him an innocent smile. Acting is one of my specialties, since I've been living with unsupportive parents all my life.

"How do you know about that?" He asks.

"I'm a Samori. I have my ways."

I turn around without a word and walk off. He didn't follow me he just huffed and walked off.

I headed to my secret private area around the school. It's an abandoned shed. Probably for when the school grew food at some point for bio. I walked in and put on my black sweater and got ready.

Random Person:hey Shad why haven't u updated in like, idk, FOREVER.
Me:well let me tell u. SURPRISE I was in the the hospital for a week because of a surgery I had soooooooooo ya.
Random Person:well Shad couldn't u have updated in the hospital?
Me:trust me things were goin on around me like my drains and IVs and medicine and how I had to stay up till friggin midnight so I won't be woken up so ya. (For ppl who've had surgery for Pectus Excavatius [or that's even how u write it] or funnel chest, well u know how it is.) so ya. My 2 best friends kcblueflame and canbyprattevan have helped me through this time of boring-ness. So now u know.
Random Person:mea ok ur off the hook dis time. *Narrows eyes and slowly walks back into darkness like anime person*

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