5• Violet eyes and kisses.

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She bit her lip and shoved me back. Her eyes showed foreign emotions of torture and sadness. Like a caged bird whose language I did not understand, but I did know that she was in deep pain.She ran a hand on her skirt and played with its hem, clearly showing she was nervous. I smirked. I was not going to let this girl show that what she did had an effect on me. That I could see her pain. Hence it was decided, I was going to play the typical impossible bad boy.

So I did have that effect on her.

I decided to drop the topic for now.

"Lets start with the interview Savannah . You were late. I seriously don't appreciate anybody being late. I fire them. No ifs no buts. Never be late. Am I clear?"

She bit her lip again and tucked a strand of her hair. Did I make her that nervous?

"Yes, Mr.Donati."


"You're family describes you and your standards. So tell me Savannah, tell me what your identity is? Tell me where you stand? Tell me about your family."he smirked.

I instantly hated him. Were people so rotten from within to judge someone by their family, social status and financial status? Or was it just this monster? I thought he was a good man for he cleared my hospital bills. I was wrong that day (though I am never gonna admit that, not even when I near my grave.)

I should control my anger. Common Savannah don't be foolish. You need this job.

'You need to get this job. Am I clear?'
Aunt's voice rang in my ears, serving as a remainder as to who was in control. And where I stood.

I had issues, on telling my surname and about my family. It was a reminder that she was an unwanted piece of shit, who was living under the care and sympathy of her adoptive parents, The Greenes. Not that she didn't love them. She really did, but she hated being called useless and abandoned. And this man reminded her of that. He reminded her of all that she didn't have. Money. Class. And most of all Family. All I  had was Jackson.

"I make my identity Mr.Donati. My surname, my family, and the rest really do not matter. What matters is I certainly don't judge people like you do.",  I seethed.

"Hmm.... I seem to have hit a weakness, Savannah.", he said leaning back on his fancy million dollar chair.


She seemed like a wild cat ready to pounce and rip me apart, when I questioned her about her family. I didn't understand her overreaction on such a petty issue. Everyone has a family. And family is not something to ashamed of.I as an employer needed to know the background of my employees. And that is exactly what I was doing. What if they were spies hired by rivals? Or cons who had come to destroy my empire. Whatever the hell her violet eyes were communicating with me, I could care less. What I cared most was the Donati Enterprises.

I was interrupted from the train of thoughts when she spoke.

"You know what? Lets get to the point Mr. Donati. I really want this job. I have an experience of two years as a secretary. I can cook, I have done my degree and completed it with an A and distinction. I am ready to do whatever you want to.", she spoke endlessly and paused to catch her uneven breath...."So will you give me this job?", she asked.

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