29• Screaming, crying perfect storms.

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~Don't underestimate the allure of darkness. Even the purest hearts are drawn to it.~

Niklaus Mikaelson, The Vampire Diaries.

Happy Reading munchkins'💕



His nerves.

He just, oh god, I just played along. I should have stopped myself. Maria. You bitch. You are so going to pay for this mess you have created. You want money? Tell you what I'll give you something better than money. Just wait and watch.

Every thing was fine between Adrian and I, until breakfast. Maria calls me up and asks for money. I can't given her so much cash. Adrian may be my husband, but that is just on paper. I cannot go around asking huge favours of this sort. I don't want to.

It will just make a selfish little whore. Me pushing my husband away, refusing to consummate our marriage and then asking him money, demanding my wifely rights. That will just be so selfish. And that woman has the nerves to threaten Jack. Oh I am not letting you get away from that so easily, you monster. This time I am ready.

"Excuse me, Ma'am, do you need some snacks, soft drinks, or water? Excuse me, ma'am -"

"Sweetheart, when I don't respond it means I don't give a fuck. So just vanish in plain sight. "

Adrian just turns and gives me a very weird look. Does he know? Oh my gosh, am I being so obvious? Shaking his head, he turns his head elsewhere. Okay, it totally wasn't my fault. He kissed me and, you know, and I loved it, and with Maria and Jack and everything I freaked out. Not my mistake.

Babe. Are you sure you believe yourself?

Okay. You know what. She is right. I should apologise. But he shouldn't have called me a whore. I am not apologising unless he does. And the fact that I am even having this conversation with myself means that I am totally off my mind. I exhale and close my eyes and the plane soars higher. Flights. Not really my thing.

Reporters surround us and there are flashes and questions all around us as we walk out of the airport. Adrian looks at me and then smirks.

Oh no.

I know that smirk a little too well. Something is cooking up in his dirty little mind and by the look of it, not too good for me. Suddenly he halts and smiles at me a little too sweetly and kisses me.

Oh yeah. In case you're wondering. He kisses me in front of millions of social viruses who will spread this thing like an epidemic. He continues kissing me. And me. I am just frozen. Unable to breathe, unable to react, unable to blink in other unable to do any bloody thing. He parts with a small peck and continues walking, like nothing happened, like he didn't just kiss me in front of a gazillions of people.

When I am about to ask him, about what exactly was it that he was thinking kissing me like that, after he called me a whore, about a couple of hours back, he just raises his hand, clearly cutting me off.

What the hell, man?

"Listen, what were you think-"

"Hello Mr. Donati, Mrs. Donati."

"Hello Taylor. ", I reply while Adrian gives him a curt not.

He really needs a complete makeover of his attitude. Taylor was nothing but sweet.

Taylor opens the door for Adrian and then for me. And that is when I decide that I'll deal with him at the Donati Mansion.

After the very silent car ride-

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