6• Forceful kisses and blackmail.

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I leaned in and kissed her. Something I wanted to do for a very long time. Her lips were softer than I had imagined. Way softer. I smirked into the kiss as she gasped, of course taken off guard. She gasped and I took this into my advantage and deepened the kiss, clearly dominating it. I was the fucking boss.

My hands grazed her hips and trailed upwards. It was the best kiss I have had in ages. Vanessa was good in bed. But, I am pretty sure this kiss with Savannah was much better, much much better. Vanessa's relationship with me was all bed and no kissing. But she wasn't responding. This was a test for her and I really wanted her to pass it. But her passing it, would certainly hurt my male ego, I mean I do believe that I was the best, in that department and many others.


That spoilt rich brat had stolen my first kiss. Yeah, my first kiss. Never had a chance with any guy in University cause of my looks I guess, or was it my overused torn clothes, I never knew. I know I wasn't pretty or sexy like those pretty women in the newspapers. But I was a girl, and deep within I wanted to be loved, and had always wanted my first kiss to be my husband's, and that too after my marriage. But this man Adrian Donati clearly had different plans.

His hands were travelling upwards, making me feel things foreign to me. And I used my hands to push his chiseled chest away from me, but it had no effect on him. I then did the only thing I could then. I bit his lips hard. He winced and he gripped my waist tighter, clearly not used to this form of response to his advances. I bit it again, and this time I could taste the blood in my mouth.

His blood.
In my mouth.
His blood.
In my fucking mouth.

His grip loosened and I shoved him back and my hand, having a mind if its own, slapped him hard on his cheek. I didn't know how the hell did that happen.

His face turned to the left from the impact of my hand connecting with his face. And he did not look very happy.


Okay fine I agree I had over stepped my boundaries. But she fucking slapped me. My staff members gathered around my glass walled cabin and began murmuring stuff to each other. She fucking slapped me. Slapped the Adrian Donati.

This bitch had slapped me. Me. Adrian Donati. And the news would travel fast. And my staff members would take me for granted. Misbehave. Disobey orders. Fucking bring down this empire.

I had lost every bit of calm I had. I pulled the girl hard, and her soft body collided with my hard one. I crushed her in my steel grip. I could see tears running down her doe eyes. I bend to her neck and took a deep breath, making a shiver convulse through her body. She looked guilty, but too late, kitten.

"That was a very stupid stunt you pulled kitten. A very bad one. And every bad deed has its punishment. Do you even realise what the fuck just happened? Savannah I will make you regret you fucking met me. I will make you beg to whoever the fuck that you pray to, to wipe out your existence, to make me forget you."

I shoved her back. She continued crying. I raised my hand to motion my staff to get back to their work. But as soon as I raised my hand, Savannah screamed and cowered to wall. If that was even possible though. She was scared if I would hit her. Was she domestically abused? Oh fuck, why was she bent on making me not destroy her. I don't care. She slapped me and I was going to make her pay.

When everyone left and my office was back to being the isolated cabin it was, I turned to her.

"You shouldn't have slapped me kitten."

"But y-you k-kissed me. I-I didn't know you hired P-Personal Assistants to s-sexually please you. I didn't know the Donati enterprises was so low."

My eyes snapped up. How dare she accuse the Donati's recruiting members for sexual benefits. I had enough of her smart mouth. All I did was for confirmation of the fact that she was no spy. It was because I wanted to give her poor, filthy self that job. But she slapped me and accused my family. I was liking her less every fleeting second.

"You have got the job. Come tomorrow sharp at eight kitten. I don't bear late comers at all.", I said stressing the at all.

"What m-makes you think I will work for you after all you have done? I reject y-your off Mr. Donati . I can find a new job."


How dare he say that I have gotten the job? How dare he? After he kissed me, did he really think I would ever work for him.

"I am not one of those cheap sluts you bed Mr. Salvatore. I may be poverty stricken, but I do have a dignity. But who am I kidding, rich people like you certainly don't care about that."

To my sudden outburst, he turns towards me his eyes into slits.

"Ohhh kitten. You make the game more fun... More challenging. Now let me make this clear, if you don't work for me, I using the power I have will destroy you and your career. I will make sure that no company here will ever hire you. I will demolish your house and will make sure no school admits that thick-headed brother of yours. Now Now cat got your tongue kitten?"

That jerk. How the fuck does he know about Jackson ? Or that I am desperately in need of this job? If I don't give in to his demands I will beg on the road. Aunt Maria spends a lot and her reserves will be exhausted by the end of this month.

I was foolish to think I had a chance of winning against this monster. My fate had been sealed the day I crashed into his car. My eyes gave away the hate I was feeling within.

I plastered a fake smile and in the sweetest possible way I said, "Thank you Mr. Donati. I shall meet you tomorrow morning."

He smirked again. Oh how I wish I slap his face and wipe that smirk off it.

"Savannah call me Adrian. Not many of my employees have the privilege to do so. I'd like to listen to my name roll off your mouth."

I clutched the material of my skirt tighter. Taking a deep breath, I stormed out of his cabin. As I walked out of the exit, I heard many diffused murmurs which was certainly about me. People were gawking at me like I am alien. I shook my head and handed over the visitors card to the receptionist and walked back home.

Oh and by walk, I mean walk literally. I had no money left to afford a cab. This was life. A bitch who had sworn to make me regret the day I was born. And I was defenseless as she played her game.

Thank you for reading everybody.

Adrian is a jerk. I know but lets just wait. Shouldn't we?

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Until next time.

Eleanor Wilson.


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