38• Broken hearts and promises.

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" if you are brave enough to love,
then you should be brave enough to get your heart broken,
and brave enough to look at the person who broke it,
and keep falling in love with him "


It's been an hour. An hour since the love of my life told me that he was faking it all to prove something to himself and to me. An hour since he left me at the altar. And an hour since he refused to let me walk out of his life threatening to transfer the custody of my baby brother to my malicious aunt.

An hour since my life fell apart, again.

All because of me. But this time I didn't kill Adrian. I did not destroy this. I still don't understand what more did he want from me, I could not have given him that, for I had given him all of me. The good ones, the bad ones, the worst ones. What could I have done to make him stay?

Evangeline sits beside me arguing with Edward. Oh well, it's not an argument if the other side refuses to respond! She keeps bad mouthing men. Probably after all this while, she has gotten an opportunity to talk to the love of her life.

Edward just keeps listening, and gets up to bring me water every now and then, as he looks at me. Concern and sympathy lining his features. He is about to ask me something, when Eve interrupts.

"I think you should leave."

"Listen to me, cara. Addy did something very wrong. I agree. And it is somewhat my fault that after years of friendship I diminished see that coming. I should have know. And for that reason and that reason alone I am listening to your crap. Don't you dare think that I have magically sprouted feelings that have been dead for nine years."

Evangeline seems to have been taken aback, but she recovers quicker than I ever would.

"Listen to me, Edward. You are thick headed if you actually think that I think that you have redeveloped feelings for me, that never even existed to begin with. I don't give a flying fuck, cause whatever we had was done for good. We are fucking over, so don't even bring that shit up.

And as for tolerating my bull crap, you should have know what Adrian was fucking planning. Can you see Savannah? She is hurting. I'm not into plans and plots and revenge schemes, I wouldn't have known, but you would have.

And somehow you chose to ignore the fact and now look! Be happy. And go fuck yourself. And please do remember, I am not your girlfriend, not your wife that I am gonna take your shit. I have my own to handle, and a fucking sister-in-law to take care of. So just scatter away from the front of my face." She seethes.

Edward walks off, just like Adrian, his hands balled to his sides, his eyes conveying that he is sorry, but he does not want to have a massive fight again, with Eve. Eve let's a breath out, clearly affected by Ed's presence.

"I'm pregnant, Eve."

Her eyes seem to bulge out of her socket, as she turns to look at me.

"Oh my god. You are pregnant. You are fucking pregnant. Why didn't you tell Adrian? Or me? Or any one for that matter."

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