lost pup 2

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Chapter 2

When I woke up I could see the sun shining and I couldn't keep the smile off my face for I had finally escaped that hell hole. I didn't have to look over my shoulder anymore no more early morning beatings and no more being starved. I was delirious with excitement I was going to get my own place to live somewhere in the forest where nobody could hurt me.

Where I could live my life in peace surrounded by the wonders of nature, where I could run free with no fear. I skipped my way into town I passed a sign that said Welcome to Bluebell. Well, the town's name seems inviting I walked to a little cafe on the side of the road the smells coming from there were delicious I could feel my mouth watering.

I ordered a plate of pancakes and a chocolate milkshake what can I say I have a very sweet tooth. After devouring my food receiving a giggle from the elderly lady who ran the cafe and a "slow down honey the foods not gonna run away".

 I decided to find a place to stay. I asked the owner of the cafe and she told me that there was a house a few miles into the forest that had been sitting there for a long while gathering dust. With no one wanting to buy it, it was considerably cheap and was surrounded by the forest with the nearest neighbours a few miles away.

I could just feel it this was where I could live my dream home I got the agents number of Louise the cafe owner. I took a detour to the bank after checking with the estate agent how much the property cost and withdrew the money from my account. I realised then it was nearly time to meet the estate agent and took off to meet him.

It turns out that when I had run from my pack I had completely missed the fact that this house had been there. Even though I had run directly passed it weird but I'm so glad I found it again it was perfect. Louise said house but it was more of a mansion it had what looked to be three floors and had ivy growing up the side of the mansion.

You could tell that it was no longer lived in due to the broken windows and damp walls. Yes, it needed some work but it's not like I didn't have the money to fix it. I would make it into a place that I could finally call home.

I hadn't realised but I had been in the same position for about ten minutes just staring and the estate agent had walked out to greet me.  He was an old man, quite short only an inch or two taller than me and I was just five foot, he had this old grey suit on with no tie.  

"Hello young lady my name is Nicholas is your mum the one who is going to buy the place sweetheart?" he asked looking around.

"No, it's me I want to buy the house" I could tell that my statement had shocked him. I could see his eyes darken in anger "now you listen here missy is this some kind of a joke because I'm telling you now I don't like jokes".

I was annoyed now how dare he take one look at me and think I couldn't buy this house I mean really. I have had enough since I was little all I ever heard was that I wasn't worth it. This stupid old man was not going to stop me from buying this house.

"No I am being perfectly honest I want this house and I have the money with me as well to buy it." I pulled the briefcase open in front of me to show him the money I saw his eyes lighten and saw the appearance of greed in them. I snapped the briefcase shut and said:  "so I suggest you stop looking at me like that and get those papers out for me to sign thank you very much."

He looked surprised then a smile appeared on his face "right away miss  ..."

He was waiting for me to fill in my last name nobody had ever talked to me much and never really asked for my last name. My name was long I don't know what my parents were thinking naming me Leila Rose Sienna Van Derbergh. I couldn't help the mournful sigh that left my lips I would never know the answers to my questions.

"It's Van Derbergh, Leila Van Derbergh." The man gave a sickeningly sweet smile and said" you know you are not old enough to buy a house miss but for a little tip I could put the sale through". I knew what he was getting at the more I listened to this man the less I liked him. Although I knew he was the only one who could get me this house so I played along. "Of course there is a ten percent tip for you if you put the sale through and I get this house without any questions asked Nicholas".

He smiled greedily "well then Miss Van Derbergh lets go inside to sign the papers shall we".

I followed him inside it took a good hour before we were done with all the papers signed he left to put through the transaction. He told me that along with the house I also got the surrounding forest also to do with as I please. I knew my wolf would be happy with all this new land to run around on.

After he left I walked through the house and there were indeed three floors with one kitchen on the bottom and twenty rooms on each floor. This was not including the kitchen, two living rooms and a dining room, it was massive. The rooms at the top were the one that needed the least amount of work so I decided to have my room at the farthest end.

I suddenly realised after four hours of cleaning the kitchen and my new room that I had yet to mark my territory. So other wolves still believed it was no man's land I ran out of my house shifting going from tree to tree marking the borders of my land. So wolves would know this land was taken and to be wary and not cross my borders.

After doing this I ran back to my home and found that my heating and water had been turned on so Nicholas had informed the companies of my buying of this house. I decided to go buy some things like paint, linens, detergent, washing up liquid, plate's, cutlery, clothes and furniture everyday things I would be needing. With the home delivery service, I gave them my address and they told me they would deliver my things the next day. I felt hungry after this hard day's work and went and bought two extra large pizzas a two 2 litre bottles of fizzy.

I ran back and cleared the dining room table and sat my food down then I felt a sudden shift in the air wolves there were wolves on my territory. My wolf growled she was pissed that someone would even dare cross our territory. My wolf tended to be on the more domineering and aggressive side something that had caused me to get more beats in the past.

But due to the wolfsbane, they injected in me it took away my strength and made me heal less quickly. Though they had to give me double the amount they would normally give because my wolf was exceptionally strong. My wolf had felt smug about this it annoyed me no end for it made the hate me more especially Alpha James.

I ran towards the border where the wolves scent was strongest and stopped I heard the rustling of leaves behind me.

 I turned and growled.

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