lost pup 17

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Chapter 17

“What????????” I shouted, I could see the shock reflected on the faces of my pack members but those of the silver shadow pack looked indifferent to this piece of information.

“You heard me I can finally get rid of the brat your doing me a favour really“ Kellan said rolling his eyes.

Kill him, how dare he say that our pup is a brat, rip his throat out.

I couldn’t help but agree with my wolf I wanted to rip Kellan’s throat out the way he’s acting he would have given Kevin to anyone who crossed his path.

I had enough of Kellan I no longer felt anything towards him which surprised me since we were meant to be mates but I was thankful for the lack of feeling. I do not know how I could have lived with him for the rest of my life.

Just thinking about it was causing an uneasy feeling to develop in the pit of my stomach he might be my mate but he is not the one for me.

I could see the smug look that had developed on Kellan’s face he thought that he had won something over on me. Though the truth was I was just happy that I got to keep Kevin with me and didn’t have to spend the rest of my life with him.

The fact that he was not Kevin’s father meant that I didn’t need to be nice to him anymore.

 I growled stepping forward letting my wolf come to the front and bared my teeth at the silver shadow pack and their alpha.

“No one and I mean no one is allowed to disrespect my pack members and especially not my pup” I shouted seeing them all cower behind one another the only exception was Kellan yet he had a grimace on his face.

“Know I am giving you a chance to leave you have 1 minute before I send my warriors after you to get of my land”. As I finished speaking I could see that they were holding onto one another in shock and hadn’t moved an inch too frightened to do anything.  

I gave them all one last glare turning around walking closer to my pack I turned my head and said “run” as soon as the words left my lips I heard paws thundering against the ground leaving the clearing with just my pack and the silver shadow members that wanted to move to my pack.

I looked at my warriors and gave them the signal to come forward “ Drew take 15 warriors and make sure the silver shadow pack leave our land, Michael take the rest and restart the border patrol I don’t want any surprises”.

 I gave them the signal to go to their designated areas and in less than half a minute they were gone except for ten warriors that had stayed behind and the ex silver shadow members.

Looking towards them I spoke “I know for a fact that they way the silver shadow pack and the locus pack are very different you will all be given rules to follow if you break these rules you will have to leave just because I have given you a chance does not mean you are a part of the pack you could say you’re on a probation period if you prove yourselves you can stay if not you will have to leave”.

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