lost pup 34

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Chapter 34

It was finally time.

The day that our futures would be decided as I looked across the hallway I could see all the fighters getting in one last hug or kiss to their family.

Hoping that it wouldn’t be their last farewell, I could see Drew holding onto Gesibelle tightly along with his little girl and their new born son.

I could see the tears in Gesibelle’s eyes she didn’t want him to go but it was like that for everyone who was being left behind they could only wait to see the outcome of the upcoming fight.

I took a breath as I walked towards the room where Alek was with the kids we had already spoken to all of the alphas and the packs fighters going over our attack plan.

There was nothing more we could do to prepare ourselves, know was simply the time too be saying goodbye.

As I looked in the room I could see all the Kids holding Alek close, even though Evan and Elise where in their teen years now they would still always be those little kids I found all those years ago the first members of my pack.

 I could see the frightened looks on their faces, I joined in on the hug surprising them all but receiving a hug after they realised who I was.

“Are you kids alright” I asked.

They all nodded their head slightly but said nothing, I could see tears formed in Kevin’s eyes start to fall down his face I hugged him as Alek rubbed his back trying to comfort him.

 “Mummy I’m sooo scared you and daddy could get hurts” Kevin whimpered through his tears.

I didn’t know what to say, saying we would be fine would be a lie thankfully Alek replied to Kevin instead.

“Hey Kevin it’s okay don’t cry, all that you need to know right know is that me and your mummy love you very much and would never want to leave you if we didn’t have a choice we will fight to come back to you little one” Alek spoke calmly.

I wished that I could just stand there in that spot and steer at them as Alek pulled Evan and Elise into the hug. I could tell that Evan was trying to hold his emotions together as Elise silently cried.

But we didn’t have the time the battle was fast approaching and we needed to get everyone into the safe room.

“Okay come everyone we have to get you all to the safe room” I said as I led them out calling out through the mind link to all those who were going to be staying in the safe room to make their way to the ground floor.

As we made our way there it was oddly silent the only noise coming from the footsteps of the hundreds of people located in the pack house whether they were fighters or not.

As Mick came forward we opened the large metal doors to the safe room pulling them wide showing what looked like a bunker stock full with food, water and other essentials.

We were able to carefully move everyone into the safe room the only ones left to go inside were Gesibelle and her kids along with Kevin, Evan and Elise.

I stepped towards Gesibelle who wasn’t letting go of her hold on Drew as tears streamed down her face.

“Don’t leave please Drew you can’t what will I do if I lose you, your my everything what about our babies little Sammy and Bella” I could see the pained look on Drew’s face.    

 “You know that I have to go, I love you baby so much that’s why I’m going to protect our family” He said as he pulled her close with the kids in the middle of their hug.

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