lost pup 27

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Chapter 27

It was time for the elders and the locus pack allies to arrive the last two days had been spent fortifying the compound, taking check of weapons followed with gruelling training led by Mick and Victor.

Normally it would have been led by Drew but he was still healing from his wounds something he hated. It did not matter much because I had needed him to help me with the preparations for the arrival of the elders and the alphas.

 We had been rushed of our feet I barely saw Alek because we were busy with our own packs the only time we got to speak was at night to discuss the upcoming war and battle techniques.

It had affected the time I got to spend with Kevin Elise and Evan my heart went out to Alek for he had just met his son a few days ago and he hadn’t been able to spend any quality time with him.

Though I had noticed that during Alek’s lunch breaks he would always search out Kevin to play with him, to bond with him.

Though most of my thanks went to Evan who had been looking after Kevin and Elise while we were all too busy to. I couldn’t help but feel so proud of him he never once complained he knew of the war to come and why we couldn’t be there all the time.

It made me so happy to call him my younger brother even though we had no blood relation what so ever.

I could see the strain, the worry, the fear on my pack members faces but I could also see the determination that they would not lose this war no matter what it took they would fight to the death.

 I felt apprehension myself for today was the day; the elders were to answer my questions I wanted to know what they had been hiding from me all this time.

“Alpha we have the food ready is there anything else that you need for me to do” Victor spoke breaking me out of my thoughts.

“No Victor thank you why don’t you take a break” I smiled Victor had been a great help whilst Drew had been unable to do all his beta duties.

Victor smiled bowing his head in thanks and walked towards the kitchen.

I decided to take a walk to see if I could rid myself of my apprehension but nothing I did was working.    

Do not worry we will protect our pack even if it costs us our life

I couldn’t help but nod at my wolf’s thoughts that yes we would to protect all those we cared for.

I prepared to walk back to the entrance of the house but before I took my first step Drew spoke through the pack link.

“Alpha the elders have arrived ...... and ...... I can’t explain but.......you have to see this “

As soon as the words left his lips I ran towards the entrance if Drew never ever sounded unsure of himself but when he spoke only a second ago it was the only exception to this.

I was unsure of what I would find but as soon as I came to the front of the pack house I was shocked into silence.

In front of me were not the elders but rather what was left of them they all looked beaten their clothes were ripped they were covered in blood and what was the most evident of all there was only three of them.

If anything I was scared to ask the question of where they were the only one there apart from the elders was one of their warriors who looked in worse shape than the elders he had a severe head wound his face pale and he was holding his side.

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