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 10 years later

“Mummy Kevin is trying to tickle me stop him” my five year old daughter screeched as a teenage Kevin raced her around the room growling playfully at her.

I giggled at their actions.

“Alright Cecilia stop screaming, Kevin you can stop scaring her” I said faking an angry expression while secretly winking at him.

 Cecilia jumped into my arms as she stuck out her tongue and Kevin who just laughed it off “you’re a Meany I don’t like you ” she screamed at him I saw Kevin’s face fall slightly hurt at her words.

“Know Cecilia you shouldn’t say that about your big brother you know he was just playing with you” I said calmly.

A look of regret crossed her features as she moved away from me and hugged Kevin.

“Sowwy Kev I didn’t mean it, I love you big brother” she whispered as her face was buried in his chest.

“It’s okay Cecilia I love you too” he said hugging her tightly.

I felt tears creep into my eyes at their show of affection.

“Alpha the pack is ready setting up in the back and Mickey is causing a bit of a hassle” Drew said as he wheeled his wheelchair into the room.

Seeing him made me think back to all the decisions I had made after the war. I had decided that when I found out that I was pregnant not soon after Alek and I’s wedding that I was going to stay Alpha, I wasn’t going to give all authority to Alek and he didn’t want me to.

He said that he thought we worked better as a team with me taking care of our packs that had joined together under the locus pack and him coordinating safety measures and new laws as a part of the werewolf council. 

After the war had finished the Ordinem Lupus had gathered together to make the perfect system that would allow for a council that had no corruption or evil thoughts were every pack had a representative. It meant that the world had become more peaceful after the war.

Our wedding day was also something to remember I couldn’t help but smile as I remembered how Drew Alek’s best man had lost the rings leaving the entire pack on a search that ended four hours later with him finding them in his pocket.

Drew he had gone through so much but still had a smile on his face I hadn’t taken away his role as Beta he could still do all the paperwork and talking to other packs just not the training and since I had both Mick and Alek in charge of our training and defence it didn’t matter. I remembered he had wanted to resign his post but I wouldn’t let him being stubborn with him until Gesibelle convinced him to keep it and not question my actions.

Suddenly I realised what Drew had said Oh no Mickey, I ran outside to see m nine year old son running around throwing water balloons at the other pack warriors running after him.

It was a hilarious sight to see my little boy being chased by wolf’s that topped 6 foot I couldn’t help the laughter that escaped my lungs at how funny the situation is.

As warm arms wrapped around me my laughter died down as I heard his husky voice “Il mio amore, why is our son being chased by the warriors” he asked confused.

 I turned around taking in his features he still looked as handsome as ever as he looked at our sons actions with amusement I could see that Kevin had gone to help his little brother along with Cecilia I giggled.

 “It seems like our son has been annoying the warriors again you know how he is” I smiled as I leaned into his arms inhaling his scent.

“The place looks good where are Evan and Elise” he asked.

“There with their families they will be here in five minutes” I said sighing.

It had been hard for me when Evan and Elise found their mates and moved out of the pack house to one of the many smaller houses on the land but it was there time. It has been so long they even have kids with Elise having a new born and Evan having two year old twins and they couldn’t be happier.

I loved this being with Alek and the kids with the pack just looking around everyone looked so happy and peaceful it was perfect. I soon realised Alek was lost in this moment to.

“Thank you my bunny, for being mine you have made me the happiest man alive” I looked at him unable to keep the beaming smile of my face.

“I love you” I said giving him a peck on the lips.

“I love you too Bunny” he whispered as he started pulling me towards the kids towards our little family everyone was happy finally.

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