lost pup 25

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Chapter 25

As soon as I stepped away from James’s body members of Alek’s pack, Amor Vita started shouting questions at me.

“Why did you kill him?”

“Why are your wolf’s eyes gold?”

“Do you realise the consequences of your actions?”

After a few moments of this I had enough I had already developed a headache and the cut to my waist had me losing extensive amounts of blood. Not only that I could see that Drew was in an even worse situation the cut he had was so deep you could see down to his bone. This was not the time for silly questions.

“Enough” I shouted my voice boomed over the occupants of the clearing leaving them frozen and shocked into silence the command I had used actually worked something they were shocked by.

Though it wasn’t new to me and my pack I had done this before commanded those of another pack in a time of need something I should have never been able to do. Drew and Mick had put it down to my genes saying I had alpha blood but even then I should not be able to have as much power as I do.

It was something I had never been able to explain I had never known my actual parents so new little of my parentage though due to the fact I could use an alpha command it was obvious my parents had alpha blood.

I sighed I needed to get control of the situation before another attack took place.

“I will answer any questions after we have made sure that our packs are safe” I spoke loud and clear for all to hear while looking towards Alek in approval. From the look in his eyes I knew he wanted the answers to those questions but the pack’s safety came first, he nodded his head at me in agreement.

I looked to Victor one of my pack members who had joined after an attempt on his life by his previous alpha because the alphas mate had taken a liking towards him. I could see why Victor stood at 6 foot with the stereotypical blond hair and blue eyes. He had refused her advances and was banished after the failed attempt on his life.

He had come across our lands a few months after asking to join he was an exceptional fighter along with Drew and was his second.

“Victor can you take a group of ten warriors along with Drew back to the pack house make sure his wound gets taken care of and that the house is secure. Also I want you to get on the phone to the council I want a meeting set up straight away got it.” I looked into his eyes to make sure he understood my instructions.

“Yes alpha” Victor spoke and as soon as it was said he left with the ten warriors and Drew I wasn’t worried my pack was exceptional and I knew Victor would not fail me.

I then looked across my warriors to find Mick “Mick gather thirty warriors and do a sweep of our borders no wolf is to go alone do it in groups of five if there is any sign of disturbance you are to call me through the mind link”.

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