lost pup 35

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Chapter 35

All that I could hear was the crying from those who had lost loved ones in the war.

I myself was fine but I could not help but feel the pain and sorrow that was felt by everyone else they may not have been my mate or my kids but they still were a part of my pack.

As I had sat in my office at night after the war had finished with the death of Bane it left me to prepare the funerals of all those lost.

As I looked out of the corner of my eye I could see Drew in his wheelchair holding his son along with Gesibelle and their daughter.

Thankfully Drew had survived the war but not without a cost, he is no longer able to walk. I had heard from the pack doctor that the strain on his wolf was too much to heal his spine.

Drew himself was simply pleased to be alive having the best attitude possible to his new disability with everyone seeing him as a hero who paid a price to save their lives.

I couldn’t help but feel proud of my pack, that they would still treat Drew as they always had and would not isolate as I’m sure other packs would. I know that Gesibelle doesn’t care about his disability she is just happy that he came home.

As the funerals ended with pack members placing flowers on their loved ones graves it was time for me to speak.

As I looked across the crowd I know I had their undivided attention.

“Hello everyone I wish that this war had not claimed the lives of twenty six of our members but it is not something that we are able to change. I know that as a pack we shall grieve but remember you are not alone we will pull through this as a pack just as we fought on the battlefield. Those that died shall never be forgotten I know that they would not want us to grieve for long because if we do then we will forget what they lost their lives fighting for” as I finished speaking I could see those with tears in their eyes smile towards me as I walked of the stage to be with my kids and Alek. 

He pulled me into his chest as soon as I was close enough and kissed the top of my head.

The other packs of the Ordinem Lupus had left early that evening to check on their pack land to see if there was any damage done by the rogues and hunters.

Even though they had left I had made them promise to stay in touch for it was our duty now to reconstruct a new council along with a new system of governing the werewolf race that we hope will last for centuries to come.

As the hours after the funeral went by I could see those who were feeling the loss of those twenty six members were being comforted by others.

It made it easier on me as a whole to go over the rest of the paperwork needed to be done to document what had taken place and the causes for the war.

As I sat in my office my head in my hands after putting Kevin to sleep I couldn’t help the relief I felt at the fact that the war had ended and that we had won as it started to sink in.

I was lost in my thoughts as I felt strong arms surround me engulfing me in Alek’s embrace.

“Are you alright Bunny” he asked his voice filled with concern.

Even though I hated that nickname I couldn’t help but like the fact that he felt close enough to me to give me a nickname.

“I’m fine Alek simply feeling the after effects of this war, when we make plans for the future we have to make sure that a war like this will never be able to happen it simply costs us too much”.

“I agree il mi amore” Alek whispered in my ear.

As Alek shifted nervously I turned to look in his eyes he was hiding something from me.

“What’s wrong Alek?” I asked confused.

“I ummmmm......... I wanted to give you something bunny” as soon as those words left his mouth I didn’t feel as anxious he wanted to give me a gift.

I was still in his arms as he moved his right hand to his trouser pocket pulling out a small square box. Ok know I was freaking out was he going to ask me to marry him because I think that would be a bit to soon.

Before I could stop him from proposing he started speaking “my love I’m not proposing I know it’s too soon but I do want to make a promise to you that I will love forever and when the time is right I will propose and we can be a proper family with Kevin, Elise and Evan”.

At his mention of Evan and Elise I couldn’t help but tear up he had no obligation to take Evan and Elise and make them apart of our little family but he did it just made me fall in love with him even more.

“Sooo this....” he said as he opened the ring box ad pulled out the ring to show me what was inside, it was an engagement ring with one large diamond and smaller ones on either side hung on a silver chain.

“It is a promise bunny from me to you that one day we will get married and that you are the only one that I want, the only one that I love and someday when  you’re ready that ring will be around you ringer not your neck”. He whispered in my ear as he pulled my hair up and tied it around my neck.

As soon as he had fastened it around my neck I pulled his head down for a kiss.

“I love you Alek”

“As I  love you bunny” he smiled pulling me in for another kiss.

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