lost pup 29

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Chapter 29

Silence followed after Elder Drake's unexpected confession, the reaction was to be expected. I myself was lost as to what Elder Drake knew that was related to our problems with the rogues.

Though I knew there was a need for us to learn of it and stop it before it led to an excessive amount of blood being shed.

Realising that I had been lost in my own thoughts for what seemed to have been an excessive amount of time. I realised that no one had spoken and Elder Drake simply stood silently at the door waiting for permission to speak.

I turned towards the other Alphas who in turn were looking for me to speak. All I could think of was that in this room I had some of the most powerful Alphas yet they were all looking at me for a sense of direction.

I looked towards Alek thought I was unsure of what I wanted to see in his face. Though when I looked in his eyes I saw numerous emotions flash through them there was determination, hope, fear, pride and most of all love. I took a deep breath and acknowledged what passed between us with a small smile.

"Okay Drake tell us what you know" as my words acknowledged his presence he walked forwards into the room being closely followed by Drew. As Drake sat down Drew looked towards me to see what he should do if he was allowed in this meeting. I nodded for Drew to sit down then turned towards the Alphas within the room.

"Men if you feel that you want your Betas in the room feel free to call them in we might be in need of their help" I said.

They nodded and accepted my comment with all of them calling their Betas. I knew that we were going to need their experience and knowledge on these matters.

We could not forget that there was war coming and since our Betas are our second in command they needed to be kept well up to date on the matters involving it.

As soon as the betas entered we offered our welcome in simple words. I decided that we must get to the problem at hand there was no point in wasting time.

"Elder Drake tell us what you know and do not bother lying to us" I spoke my tone firm. Even thought I had listened to what he had said before I was still wary of his motives.

"Yes Alpha Van Derbergh, well as I was speaking to you before it all stems from the lost monarchy" Drake started.

I was about to stop him and tell him we had already heard this all before when I came to the realisation that the other Alphas had not. Only Alek and I had heard the story of the wicked queen and the creation of the Ordinem Lupus.

So I let Elder Drake inform the other Alphas in the room of what we had already heard waiting for him to get to the point in which he had last spoken to us about.

Elder Drake was not stopped throughout his retelling of the ancient forgotten truth. Even though no one spoke it did not mean there were not any interruptions. Most were from the Betas who were unable to control themselves with gasps of shock.

"Yes this is all very well and good but how is this connected to Leila and the Locus pack" Alpha Dane asked confusion colouring his tone after hearing all that Alek and I had heard before of the Order of the wolf and their rebellion against the Queen.

"It has everything to do with Alpha Van Derbergh" Elder Drake spoke without expanding on it leaving on us all confused.

I couldn't help but feel irritated for he was still skating around the truth and it seemed like I was not the only one whose patience had ended.

"Listen here old man we have had enough of your bullshit either you tell us what we want to know now or I swear you're going to regret being born" Alek growled.

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