lost pup 20

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Chapter 20  

As soon as my head hit my pillow I drifted off into a dreamless sleep but I was awoken by someone opening my door I was about to jump on the intruder when my wolf relaxed and I knew it could only be one person.

“Mummy you awake?” Kevin whispered the moon was high in the sky and due to my wolf senses I could see him clearly in my door way.

“Yeah baby you ok what’s the matter?” I asked concerned at why he had come to my room in the middle of the night.

“Mummy can I sleeps with you pwease” he looked at me with pleading eyes.

I moved my blanket of me it was summer so I hadn’t needed it much “come jump in sweetie” I said as soon as the words left my mouth Kevin had jumped up into my arms and was cuddled into the crook of my body with my arms wrapped protectively around him.

“What happened Kevin that you woke up, normally it takes me ages to wake you up” I said looking him in the eyes.

“Keith wouldn’t let me sleep hes says something big is gonna happen” for a moment I was confused then I remembered Keith was Kevin’s wolf.

“So Keith is worried” I asked him still confused.

 “No momma hes excited I donts knows why” no wonder Kevin had come to find me Keith and my wolf had a strong bond and we could calm them both down when needed.

“I hope you didn’t wake Evan and Elise on your way here sweetie”  I wondered I hadn’t seen them for the past two days only short glimpses the whole hunter and rogue threat had kept me busy.

I couldn’t help but feel guilty even though I know they were perfectly happy running around the pack house playing around with their friends.

They has growm since the day I had found them and Evan was still as protective of Elise as ever. 

“No mommy I didnts wake thems” he whispered I could see he was already drifting to sleep.

“Okay good boy know let sleep night sweetie” I said kissing him on his head he smiled at that then whispered “night momma love you” and then he was asleep.

I couldn’t help but smile as I drifted off to sleep as well holding Kevin impossibly close to me “I love you too hunny” I whispered falling into a deep peaceful sleep.

I woke up to Evan, Elise and Kevin jumping on my bed giggling and shouting “mommy wake up” and “sissy wake up” I couldn’t help but giggle along with them.

I growled playfully snatching kevin into my arms as he screamed for help it took a second for their Uncle Trevor and Uncle Daniel burst through the door looking for danger.

The funny thing was it looked like they had just woken up and they weren’t even dressed properly I couldn’t help but laugh at their confused faces. The kids joined in as well this only confused them more and added to our laughter.

After I had managed to calm myself and the kids down I looked towards them both “don’t worry there’s no danger me and the kids were just playing around” this solved their worry and their shoulders relaxed.

I was feeling in a good mood today and as I looked outside I saw the sun was already shining brightly in the sky. I wanted this good mood to continue my pack deserved a break especially after these past few days.

“Okay boys I have a job for you first I want you to go get dressed I’m going to make breakfast after that Trevor I want you to grab a group of guys outside and set up tables and chairs for the pack and I want you to get the barbecue going.” I took a breath a looked at Daniel.

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