lost pup 3

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Chapter 3

 I growled I could smell the scent of wolves coming from the trees right in front of me. I growled again and heard a whimper suddenly two small wolf's appeared one slightly older than the other they both looked bruised and battered most of my wounds had healed I was always a quick healer. But the wounds on these wolves were horrific and they were so small and fragile. My wolf stopped growling and I knew she felt the same as me all I could feel was pity towards these two wolves.

 Both wolves looked starved and broken I howled commanding them to shift surprising myself in the level of authority I showed through my voice it almost sounded like an alpha command.  Ha like I could ever give an alpha command the two wolves shifted. What I saw angered my wolf and me, the children looked scared out of their mind but I saw the boy stand in front of the girl protectively.

That action made me soften my gaze even though the boy was scared he still protected here over himself I shifted back to talk to them to show I would not harm them. The boy's stance in front of the girl dropped slightly though they both still looked weary of me with the boy still stood protectively in front of the little girl.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you who are you both? What are you doing here all alone?"  I said trying to reassure them through my voice I knew that they were no threat to me. They could barely stand I could see that they were beyond tired.

The boy looked towards me unsure whether he should answer "my names Evan and this is my sister Elise I'm 10 and she's 8 were from the dark crest pack". On the mention of their pack unshed tears were in his eyes I knew then that something terrible had happened.

"It's okay don't cry" I walked towards them so we were only two feet away from each other and asked "what happened? Where are your parents Evan?

The unshed tears in Evans eyes overflowed and were running done his face "our pack was attacked by rogues they tried to protect us and they .... they were killed." The  silence that followed was deafening I didn't know what to say as Evan continued to tell their story " mum and dad pulled the rogues away from us and told us to run were the only ones left from the pack the rest were killed."

I couldn't help the tears that came to my eyes my heart hurt for what Evan and Elise had been through. They were too young to know the horror of rogues and a life full of torment. I stepped forward and pulled them both towards me and hugged them as they both let out their tears. "Sshhhhh its ok don't worry ill look after you guys I promise we can become our own pack just us."

"Really you promise you won't hurt me or Lise" Evan whispered into my hair.

"Yes, I promise I won't hurt you guys, know why don't we walk to my house it's only a little walk from here plus I have pizza and drinks and we can get you all cleaned up." I gleefully said happily, I wasn't alone anymore I know had responsibilities so I couldn't afford to mope around. 

"You really gonna take care of us and even give us pizza," Evan said shocked from my words he pulled Elise closer they were so thin and it looked like they hadn't eaten in a while.

"Yeah your apart of my family know and we all look out for each other no matter what". I chanted to myself more than to Evan I knew that this is what the next few years would be filled with taking care of Evan and Elise.

"Yaaaaay food "Elise giggled she looked so adorable I couldn't help but join in with her laughter soon Evan joined in as well lightening the mood between us.

"Come on you guys hurry before it gets dark," I said pulling them both in the direction of my newly acquired house. I could see Elise stumble a few times and pulled her up into my arms and carried her the rest of the way. With Evan diligently following by my side when we got to the house I took the both to the refurbished kitchen and placed pizza pieces in front of them and a glass of water.

"Hey, guys I'm only going to give you one slice of pizza because I don't want you to throw up since you haven't eaten in a while okay". I said looking at their glee filled faces as they stared at the pizza piece for a while and looked towards me as if asking permission.

"You guys can eat you know you don't have to ask me". As soon as I said it they were munching on their pizza slices like it was going to disappear if they didn't eat it quickly.

Soon after they were finished I knew they were still hungry but with the promise of food tomorrow they were happy to leave the kitchen. I took them to the bathroom so that they could get washed. I was thankful for the shopping I had done earlier in the day where I had bought bubble bath and other necessities for washing and cooking.  The smile on their faces as they saw the bubbles was magical it just made me even more sure of my decision to look after these two. While they were having fun splashing each other I decided to get them some clothes thankfully I was more of a tomboy so I had bought a lot of hoodies and jogging bottoms.

 This would be good for Evan and Elise to wear untilI I could take them shopping tomorrow. I placed the clothing on the side and made them get out of the tub promising that they could have a bubble war with each other tomorrow.

I got them dried and dressed made us all some hot chocolate and put them in my room to sleep after reading them a story I got up to leave. Before I could walk out to clean the bathroom and the kitchen Evan spoke: "thank you, sissy, for everything".

 "Sissy?" I replied confused.

"You saved us fed us and read us a story that makes you our sister," Evan said knowingly while Elise giggled.

I smiled I hadn't had anyone to call family and this little boy had so willingly accepted me into his and his sister's life. "Goodnight little brother I promise to look after you guys forever".

"Pinky swear," he said seriously.

"Pinky swear," I said as I locked my little finger around his cementing my promise. I walked out of the room smiling thinking of my new found family.

Two hours after I had gone to sleep on the couch I heard a scream and crying I ran towards the kids rooms. I looked around for danger with my wolf on high alert she would not let any harm come to these kids I could feel the protectiveness from her.

As I reached their room I saw Evan and Elise crying but no one else I walked to them."Sshhhhh now why don't you stop crying and tell me what's wrong".

The crying slowed until all that was left was little sniffles "we had a dream of when the rouges came and killed our parents we were so scared sissy".

"Hey, its ok you don't have to be afraid I won't let anyone hurt you ever again okay," I said a promise in my voice.

"Can you stay with us while we sleep sissy" Elise begged with big chocolate eyes pleading with me.

"Of course I'll stay if you want me to know move over here so I can be in the middle".  I said Elise moved to my right while Evan was leaning against my left side.

"Now go to sleep you two I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere" I whispered they were both tense against my sides and I knew they were still scared. I started humming slowly until they relaxed and fell slowly into a deep sleep.

I lay awake making a promise that I would protect these kids and I would be strong not just for them but for me as well.

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