lost pup 13

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Chapter 13

Two weeks had gone by in a flash and everyone was going through last minute details to get everything ready for the arrival of the silver shadow pack.

After I had gone to sleep that morning two weeks back I had woken early to get ready for the pack meeting.

When I had walked down the stairs I had also realised that the rest of the pack were already wide awake in anticipation of what I was going to say.

The pack was in mourning over the death of James and looks of grief and sadness could be seen to have crossed all their faces. Normal alphas would not care to show their emotions to the pack.

Though even with my strong face my pack new me to well and knew I was feeling the same pain and grief over our sudden loss of a loved pack member.

I could see that many were already asking about his mate and child offering any help that was needed.

I had visited her and could see her grief over the loss of her mate but I reminded her that she still had a piece of him with her.

Their beautiful daughter was his most important legacy and she would not be alone we her pack would be there with her every step of the way.

I saw that she had started to make herself busy submerging herself in the world of her daughter telling her stories of her brave father.

From the looks of the pack members I knew that she would not be alone and she knows it to. This is the pack that I had tried so hard to build a caring compassionate and protective pack that would gut anyone who hurt one of their own.

After I had discussed the arrival of Kevin telling them the truth my pack are my family and I would never lie to them.

I even divulged the information that he thought I was his mother this caused confused and shocked looks to be thrown my way.

They were weary at first of the thought that Kevin would be living with us for know but agreed that the decision to protect the pack was more important his family could wait.

Though the weariness that they had felt soon disappeared once they met Kevin with his adorable chubby cheeks and chocolate brown eyes it was hard not to love him.

He had captured the hearts of the entire pack that’s why I woke up this morning two weeks after hearing giggles coming from downstairs.

As I got out of bed I walked down the stairs and saw Trevor chasing Kevin around the room growling lightly while Kevin squealed in delight.

It was so sweet and loud I couldn’t help but giggle along with him which announced my presence to the two.

“Mummy” Kevin shouted in delight and ran in to my open arms I held him tight sniffing his chocolate scent and nuzzled his neck he giggled even more. 

“How is my baby this morning, did mean Uncle Trevor try to eat you again” I asked winking at Trevor who’s cheeks flushed a deep red from getting caught.   

“Yeah mummy Uncle Trewor tried to eat me and he chassed mes around it was fun” he smiled at me.

“I bet it was sweetie know why don’t you tell me what you want for breakfast” I asked looking into his happy eyes so glad that his experience with the hunters and rouges did not destroy his innocence.

“Mummy can I have chocolate chip pancakes pease” giving me the irresistible puppy dog eyes.

“Of course baby, would you like some as well Trevor” looking in his direction questioningly.

“Yes please Leila I’m starving I just got back from patrol” he said walking into the kitchen with me and Kevin.

I sat Kevin down and got to work on the pancakes I had a special recipe for them that everyone loved. I guess all those years living with my old abusive pack taught me something useful.

As I finished of the pancakes I ran upstairs to get change the Silver Shadow pack would be arriving soon and I would have to meet them. I tended not to reveal the fact that I was alpha to many wolves.

They were sure to realise that Drew was not the alpha of this pack I would have to make an appearance. So I had to look good as alpha of the pack don’t get me wrong I’m not the dressing up sort of person and I wasn’t going to dress up now.

Though clothes that did not have food splattered on them would be best I went for the simple skinny jeans and a tank top. The simple fact is I wasn’t there to impress anyone I was meant to be an alpha that cared for their pack.

After running down stairs to check on the others I called Mick to check if the rooms were ready and mind linked Drew to be the one to escort them onto our land.

Even though I knew that they had gotten permission to come onto our land I wasn’t taking any chances I did not want to lose anyone again.

I dressed Kevin and who was still laughing from the tickle war we just had. I tensed up suddenly getting a strange feeling my wolf was howling in my mind making me grow apprehensive.

Alpha the Silver Shadow pack have arrived I’m escorting them to the clearing outside the pack house” Drew called through the mind link.

“Okay Drew be careful still be on alert were coming” I replied.

Everyone apart from some of the older wolves and the young children would be coming to greet the pack so I had told them to wait in the dining room which was more of a hall to fit all of the pack members.

“Okay everyone I do not have to tell you again to be on your best behaviour we are going to try to make an alliance with the Silver Shadow pack against the rogues and hunters. I know we have taken the strongest pack title from them but now is the time to show why our pack is so great” I said while receiving proud nods from my pack members who were eager to show the silver shadow pack exactly what a bunch of rejects were worth.

I smiled and started leading my pack members to the clearing outside in less than no time I could hear the pounding of paws against the ground and knew they would be here in seconds.  

“Mummy do you smells that, I thinks I smelts it before” Keith said whilst sniffing the air and walking slowly forward.

All of a sudden wolves appeared on the other side of the clearing led by Drew I walked forward to hold Keith’s hand. Though in response was met with growls from the Silver Shadow pack.

I was confused as to why they were growling at me and I growled back the power in my growl causing the Silver Shadow pack wolves to whimper and jump back in shock.

It was clear they know knew I was alpha but I could see a few had trouble comprehending the fact that I was female from the looks on their faces.

The man who had the most power in the clearing that I’m assuming was the beta since none of the wolves before me was the alpha he shifted.

Before I could say anything Keith ran forward screaming “Uncle Jim” I stood there shocked my pack was shocked also as the beta pulled Keith towards him and spun him around in a circle.

When the beta put Keith on the ground not letting go of him he turned towards me and my pack.

“How dare you steal Keith from us you will pay with your lives for kidnapping him” he snarled.

Kidnapping? Since when did I kidnap Keith?

 All I could think of while the silver shadow pack turned towards my pack with anger, hatred and a certain amount of blood lust was just one word.


Lost PupOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora