lost pup 23

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Chapter 23

The look of fear was easy to place on his white washed face I was pleased to see that I had some sort of affect on him it was time for payback.

“You’re not meant not be alive, that’s why I made you rogue you were not meant to discover the truth.” He whispered more to himself than to me.

Know I was confused what truth was I have meant to have discovered and why was he so terrified of it.   

 “What truth “I said relaying the thoughts in my mind to him.

He looked as if he was going to answer my question but then noticed Alek standing next to me and a smirk appeared on his face.

“Well well well if it isn’t my sorry excuse of a mates alpha what are you doing here” he sneered when he said the word mate I thought mates were meant to love one another James looked like he despised his.

Alek let out a deafening growl if I wasn’t his mate and a powerful alpha I would be a quivering wreck it seemed to have an effect on James because he flinched and took a step back.

“Why does it matter to you what I do“ Alek snarled I could tell he didn’t really like James at all from the glare he was sending his way.

James tried to compose himself after he realised he had shown us his true emotions he was scared and he knows that we just saw his weakness though he tried to play it off with a laugh.

“Oh just wandering how that mate of mine is doing” he asked while his jaw clenched in anger.

“Why do you care she rejected your sorry ass because she found out what a heartless bastard you were” Alek replied I could tell he was losing his patience with James by the way his fists were clenching. I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze trying to reassure him and calm him down at the same time.

 As soon as he felt it he squeezed back and turned his head giving me a smile and a wink which had me blushing. I couldn’t believe I was acting like a teenager but it’s not really my fault I hadn’t had any experience with a man before so this was new territory for me but I liked it.

I heard a growl and turned to face James again his fists were clenched and his beta was holding him back from jumping on Alek.  

“Please I would have rejected that bitch if I had the chance to do it she’s the one missing out” I couldn’t help but laugh at this which caused everyone to turn their heads towards me.

“Yeah right I bet she had a party when she rejected your useless self” I giggled I guess karma already hit him hard if his mate left him.

Before James could retaliate a beautiful women stepped out from Alek’s pack she had a small petite frame with blond hair and blue eyes she was beautiful and fragile looking. I didn’t expect to hear the next words that came out of her mouth.

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