lost pup 16

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Chapter 16

“What?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” my voice shouted across the clearing.

I could feel myself losing control of my anger normally it took a lot to make me this angry. My anger had reached new levels, how dare Kellan expect me to leave everything behind for HIM.

My wolf had come to the forefront she was beyond consolable.

Kill him, rip him to pieces.

Growls echoed throughout the clearing and it took me a while to realise that it was coming from me.

This fool who just so happened to be my mate does not even realise how much my pack mean to me and what I meant to them.

Did he not realise by taking me from the locus pack that it would be without an alpha and would crumble to pieces.

My pack new exactly what was happening they knew I had lost control they could see it from my eyes flashing and closed fists that I was close to losing any semblance of control that I had.

My pack new that the best course of action was to take steps back to show my wolf that they were not challenging her she could be quite aggressive and territorial.

My pack backed away a few steps while my mate had other plans he sighed then pulled me into his chest “I guess I have to calm you down now “Kellan smirked.

 I had heard from mated couples that your mates touch was soothing and could calm any anger.

It’s safe to say it didn’t work for me only angered me more that he was so self assured that he could calm me down.

Who the hell did he think he was?

I pushed away from his chest not bothering to restrain my strength at this point he was thrown into the tree a couple of metres behind him.

His back had slammed into the tree you could hear the cracking sound of the tree from the brute force.

Growls echoed from the silver shadow pack at seeing their alpha being thrown into a tree, though I really couldn’t care less he needed to be taught a lesson.

I shot a look towards them stopping them in their tracks bowing their heads in submission to me.

I marched towards Kellan who had the breath knocked out of him and was now sitting on the base of the tree trying to get his breath back.

I pulled him up using his shirt so that our faces were on the same level.

“How dare you think that I would leave my pack for you, are you really that selfish you talked as if you had already decided without even having talked to me first” I shouted slamming his back against the tree again just to prove a point.

He looked at me then rolled his eyes “its okay I will let you bring all your shoes and clothes along with that I have a lot of money so you can spend it on whatever you want “he smiled as if that was what I wanted to hear.

“You think that you can buy me? Your disgusting trust me to have you as a mate” I spat at him.

“Oh come on honey I know that you’re probably tired from running this pack especially you being a girl you probably wanted a break anyway you get to spend it with me you should be gratefull” he smirked cockily.

Was this really the man I had been speaking to five minutes ago? Looking in his eyes made me realise it had been a facade he didn’t care he was just like all the other alphas.

All they wanted was the trophy wife and once they got tired of you they had five other mistresses lined up. I was not going to be some dog he could call on to do his every whim I’m an alpha and he was going to realise it.

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