lost pup 7

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Chapter 7

It has been a year since Gesibelle and Drew joined the pack I can still remember their reaction when they first saw the mansion that me and the kids lived in.


"Is this really were you live "Gesibelle whispered in wonder clutching Drew's arm tightly.

"Yeah isn't it cool" Evan shouted running around the living room jumping on the cream sofas that surrounded a plasma TV.

"Do you work for the mob or something how do you afford this" Drew said breathlessly.

I turned to look towards them and saw that they were still standing in the entrance scared of stepping inside and it vanishing before their eyes. 

"One thing my pack didn't know about was what I did when I went out they couldn't really control me because I had to go and buy groceries for them. While I was out I use to take a visit to this run down computer shop were I used to write". I said while musing over the long journey I had to take to get to that computer shop.

"But that still doesn't explain how you're so wealthy" Gesibelle questioned confusion setting on her face.

"Well ..... have you ever heard of a book series called Hunters? "I asked to Gesibelle.

 "OMG yes I have that is like the most amazing book I have ever read I mean I love the main character she is just so kickass". Gesibelle squealed towards me.

" Errrrr ....... well ...I ... um kind of wrote the books" I whispered knowing that Gesibelle would hear due to our increased wolf  hearing.

A look of shock passed over Gesibelle's face then disbelief and finally understanding running towards me she started squealing and jumping with a worried Drew behind her.

"OMG really you're like books are so amazing you have to give me your autograph."

Drew saw how uncomfortable I was and decided to intervene "Gesibelle sweetheart we don't want to kill her with your hugs the first time you meet her especially since she's our alpha". 

Gesibelle quickly let go of me and stepped back a frightened expression crossing her face " I'm so sorry please don't send us away" she whimpered.

"Why would I do that you were just hugging me don't worry I'm not like your old alpha I want us to be friends rather than you be my servant please call me Leila none of this alpha business it's really uncomfortable". I smiled hoping she understood that I wanted a friend rather than someone who simply did everything I asked them to do.

Gesibelle smiled "okay but if I call you Leila you have to call me belle okay".

"Okay" I said my first friend life is getting better.

Flashback over

I smiled remembering how excited they had been when i showed them around the house and gave them two connecting rooms. One for them and the other for when the baby would arrive.

They both were weary at first but had taken to life with me, Evan and Elise quite well the kids were happy to have Drew to play with. They couldn't wait for the new baby to arrive.

Many things had happened during the year one was we had added new members to our pack and we were expanding quite a lot. Drew had straight away started teaching me the inner workings of a pack and how to fight in wolf form. As for my human form I had taken time to enroll in karate and Tae kwon do classes.

Lost PupTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon