lost pup 6

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Chapter 6

As we followed drew into the forest I could see a difference in the way he was acting it was like he had a skip in his step.

The fact that he no longer had to worry for the safety of his mate and pup it bought me another level of respect knowing what he had to go through.

The other thing that kept creeping up in my mind was the fact that I was an alpha I mean how had I no realised this before would I have not felt the pride and anger problems that come with being an alpha.

Would it not have showed earlier on?

It is not your fault, you did not realise that your old pack was drugging us with wolfs bane to keep our power from showing. Did you not wonder why they always fed us well yet beat us every other chance they got.

How dare those creeps do that to me, what have I ever done to them that could make them hate me so much was it the simple fact that I was an alpha.

No Leila it is something more I do not know what but I always thought that your old pack was hiding something from us but I do not know what it is.

I sighed it does not matter anymore that’s the past best not to dwell on what has been rather what’s to come.

Spoken like a true alpha

 I smiled I could trust Lea my wolf to cheer me up it is what she has been doing for the past 15 years. With that though I had suddenly realised that my birthday had already been and gone.

It didn’t really matter anyway just counting down the years till I’m an adult. I had never celebrated my birthday it was just like any other day to me.

I felt a tug on my jeans I looked down to see the concerned faces of Evan and Elise I looked up noticing drew talking to a beautiful exotic looking girl  who looked to be in her late twenties.

You could tell they had been living in the forest due to the green patches on her clothing and her bump looking pronounced in what I presumed to be one of Drew’s shirts.  

I had not realised that I had drifted off for that long lost in my own thoughts I looked down at the kids giving them a reassuring smile. I walked towards Drew and his mate.

“Hi my name is Leila and those two little ones are Evan and Elise, it’s nice to meet you” I smiled towards Gesibelle.

She looked slightly taken aback and I saw her hand reach protectively to her stomach as if scared of what I might do to them.  

“Drew told me that we trespassed on you territory alpha we didn’t mean to well just be going know” Gesibelle stepped back holding Drew’s arm protectively.

“No you don’t have to go” I said confused what did she think I was going to do I was still just a 15 year old kid yet it seemed like I scared the hell out of her.

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