lost pup 14

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Chapter 14

The silver shadow pack wolves radiated anger and looked ready to strike though I knew if it came down to a fight my pack would win their alpha wasn’t even here.

I could see the smile on Kevin’s face as he hugged his ‘uncle’ I was still trying to comprehend what was going on. So I was completely distracted with my own thoughts when one of the silver shadow pack wolves decided to strike.

The wolf jumped towards Drew sensing his beta power I quickly moved into action jumping in front of Drew and grabbing the wolf’s throat.

I growled it echoed across the clearing causing the silver shadow pack to take a step back but they still held an offensive position.

This clear defiance told me and my wolf that they deeply cared for Kevin enough to defy an alpha. It pleased me somewhat that they cared for him so much but it still failed to answer the question of how they let the hunters and rogues take him.

Thought not all of them seemed pleased to see Kevin again.

There was also the fact that I still didn’t know who his parents were. I refocused and realised I had been squeezing the wolf’s neck and he was near unconsciousness so I threw him across the clearing to the rest of his pack.

“What do you think you’re doing attacking my beta? That was totally uncalled for if I was any other alpha you would already be dead.” I sneered at the wolf clearly showing my anger at his attack.  

The wolf was holding his throat trying to catch his breath from my assault it was the beta who answered for him.

 “It was not uncalled for you kidnapped Kevin from our pack and were going to use him as ransom“ the beta growled.

I almost laughed at his stupidity while I was holding in my laughter others couldn’t help but let it out that included Trevor and his mate who clutched onto each other trying to catch their breath.

The beta looked confused his eyes holding questions I knew that I would have to answer. Good had come out of the laughter the silver shadow pack no longer looked on the verge of attacking.

 Instead they mirrored their beta with the same confusion.  

“Do you really think that if we had kidnapped Kevin that we would call you here to form an alliance and bring Kevin with us? If we had kidnapped him don’t you think we would have kept him prisoner and not shown him to you? I so clearly asked.

The beta’s confusion had now turned to understanding Kevin who had been watching all of this now had a frown on his face.

I so desperately wanted to hug him and get rid of that frown my wolf had other ideas.

Rip him how dare that fool upset our pup look what he’s done he should die for his stupidity.

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