lost pup 4

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Chapter 4

I woke to the sun shining in my arms and the feel of two warm bodies pressed up against me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw both Elise and Evan snuggled into my sides I couldn't help but smile they looked so peaceful and innocent.

I just couldn't help but be surprised that they still had that air of innocence about them even after all that had happened to them.

"Sissy you awake" Elise slurred with her sleep filled voice.

I looked at her and couldn't help but giggle Elise lifted her head up and her hair was sticking up all over the place.

"Yeh kiddo I'm awake" I looked towards Evan who was snoring lightly against my side.

"What do you say we wake up Evan "I smiled mischievously towards Elise she giggled while nodding her head at me.

"Okay 1... 2... 3!!!!!!" we both jumped on Evan who screamed his little heart out while trying to get away from us. With both Elise and me tickling him we were all giggling and somehow we all ended up on the floor.

"Sissy I'm hungry can we have breakfast know" Evan smiled.

I couldn't help but smile these kids trusted me so full heartedly no one had ever trusted me before or asked for something, most of them would just demand everything from me.

"Okay, I guess you're hungry to Elise why don't I make some chocolate chip pancakes how does that sound, " I said while walking towards the kitchen and getting out the necessary ingredients.

"Yay pancakes you're the best sissy" Evan and Elise cheered while running to the kitchen.

"Now why don't you guys go brush your teeth there are extra toothbrushes in the bathroom cupboard". They both nodded while running towards the bathroom while tripping over each other to see who would get their first.

I giggled and got to making the pancakes the kids ran out and we all ate and chatted happily.

"Okay, guys I think we should go into town so that we can go and get some clothes for you guys what do you think" they both looked at each other then shouted, "let's go shopping".

After a few hours of shopping for Evan and Elise and the house I was tired and hungry but both Evan and Elise were jumping about.

I don't know where they got their energy from but it was quite fun to see them running around enjoying themselves bit by bit I could see them relax and have fun instead of worrying.

"Okay Ev, Lise come here let's go to one more shop than we can go get some ice cream," I said.

"Ice cream can I get chocolate with sprinkles," Evan said while jumping up and down.

"Ooooh, can I get strawberry ice cream please sissy" squealed Elise while showing me that pair of puppy dog eyes that no one could resist.

"Yep whatever you want, why don't you guys play around the pond while I go inside the shop I won't be long "I giggled.

"Okay," Evan said grabbing Elise's hand and running off.

"Be careful" I shouted after them I went into the shop and bought some cleaning products for the bathrooms and the windows that I hadn't been able to order before. While I was paying for everything Elise came running in with tears streaming down her face.  

"Quick sissy there is a man shouting at Evan he's scaring me" she shouted I dropped my bags and ran out of the shop.  

I got outside and saw a tall, dark-haired, bulky middle-aged man grabbing Evans arm in a tight grip with another man of similar age glaring at him and trying to get Evan out of the other man's grip.

I ran towards them "What do you think you're doing let go of Evan know what gave you the right to grab him like that" I growled at the man holding Evans' arm.

He looked at me shocked and snarled "Listen girly this is none of your business this kid made me drop my bags in the pond and is gonna get it."

Evan looked scared "it was an accident sissy Lise pushed me and I bumped into him I didn't mean to" he pleaded tears escaping his eyes.

"You heard him he didn't mean to make you drop your bags now let him go Mitch" the man who had tried to help Evan snapped at the man who was still holding Evans' arm.

"How does this involve you Drew that's what I would like to know" Mitch shouted to the man known as Drew.

 "I wasn't gonna let you hurt an innocent little kid for nothing know let him go or I'll make you, " he said in a calm tone.

While all this was happening my wolf had come to the forefront growling repeating the words protect pups, protect our pack.

Before I could figure out what she meant I heard a whimper from Evan and a smirk from Mitch as he tightened his grip on Evans' arm. I saw red how dare that foul man to try to harm and scare my pups. It brought forward all the past memories were I had not been able to protect myself know I had something to fight for.

I grabbed Mitch's other arm and twisted it back and punched him in the face.

"How dare you think that you could hurt him and get away with it" I roared at Mitch I knew I was close to shifting.

I pushed Mitch to the floor and pulled Evan into my arms which seemed to calm my wolf enough for me to pull out my purse and throw fifty dollars at him.

"Take it and don't you dare come near my kids again "I threatened as his eyes grew wide as he grabbed the money and ran.

"Thanks sissy you saved me "Evan whispered.

"I told you I would always protect you remember" I whispered back pulling him and Elise into a hug.

For some reason, my wolf was still on edge as I realised Dew was still standing there staring at me intently. I sniffed the air and realised what had alerted my wolf.

Drew was a wolf. A rogue wolf.

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