lost pup 12

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Chapter 12

I was wearing down the carpet in my office but I couldn’t stop myself from pacing and thinking back to what had just happened only a few hours ago.

I had carried Kevin into the pack house I could tell by his soft breathing that he had fallen asleep with his head leaning against my shoulder for support and his hand gripping my long dark brown hair.

As I walked in all my pack members turned to steer at me many with shocked and confused looks directed to Kevin in my arms. I knew they would start asking questions so I decided to head them off and walked towards the kitchen leaving Drew to fill in the blanks for them.

The kitchen was empty apart from Gesibelle I quickly linked Drew to keep the rest away I did not want to scare Kevin especially after what he went through.

I looked towards Gesibelle and saw the dazed look in her eyes and knew she was using the pack link. This told me all that I needed to know she was probably being filled in.

Before I could take another step towards the counter tops Gesibelle grabbed my arm and shrieked “You have a son, when were you going to tell me?”   

I glared at her motioning towards Kevin but I knew it was too late he had already been woken up by her shrieking.

“Could you keep the volume down look what you did and if you really thought I had a child don’t you think you would have I don’t know seen me pregnant and as large as a watermelon” I said in annoyance taking a breath to continue .

“ Plus to have a child there has to be two people involved and you know I haven’t even kissed a man so how the hell did you think I got magically pregnant” I said losing my temper.

Really did these people not realise to have a child there had to be two people involved and that they would have to do the deed together. Just thinking about it made me blush to my roots.

I mean the fact that I had never had a boyfriend or been kissed made me totally innocent and ignorant in that department. Give me a fight with rouge rather than flirting with a guy any day.

  I saw Gesibelle come to the same conclusion while looking at my face she let out a giggle “That was stupid I should have realised that you are the innocent virgin in the room” she said laughing wholeheartedly know.

Before I could answer I felt a little touch on my cheek I turned my head to see Kevin looking at me questioningly. I took in his appearance he had these big chocolate brown eyes and light brown hair and these adorable dimples whenever he smiled which was what he was doing know.

“Hey sweetheart I bought you to my house. This is Gesibelle sweetie don’t worry she’s really nice.”  I said to him reassuringly to him I couldn’t help but feel this instant love for him and I knew he had I wrapped around his finger. It had only been an hour or two at the most.

He smiled at me and hugged my neck after kissing my check “Ok mummy, I’m hungry whatsss there to eat” couldn’t help but smile at the trouble he had pronouncing his words.

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