lost pup 9

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Chapter 9

 They were laughing of all the things I had expected to happen the elders laughing their heads off was not even on the list.

As I had walked towards them I had expected there to be a punishment of sorts in disrespecting an elder’s warrior. Though as I reached them the men had burst into hysterical laughter while the women were trying to contain there giggles.

I stood there confused as to why they were acting so weird as their laughter died down the oldest who seemed to be the leader stepped towards me.

“Hello alpha of the Locus pack it is a pleasure to meet you I certainly did not expect it to be such an eventful evening I am Elder Drake” he spoke letting of another round of laughter.

I took in his appearance he looked as bulky as his warriors and looked to be in his 40s though I knew looks could be deceiving. Especially since he was an elder due to our longer ageing process he was probably a lot older.

“Aren’t you angry that I attacked your warrior” I asked so confused by his casual reference to the previous situation.

This time the women couldn’t hold back their giggles as one of them stepped forward and grasped my hands.

“No sweetheart were not angry someone needed to teach Decker a lesson he’s a chauvinist pig and homophobic. The only reason he’s a part of our guard is because of his father.” She staged whispered though everyone heard her load and clear and Decker face took on a red tinge while my pack snickered.

“I and my wolf do not take kindly to threats to our pack members of any sort to be perfectly honest he’s lucky he’s alive.” I explained to the elders.

“We understand you are an alpha it is to be expected that you do not like to be disrespected. Though the fact that you care for your pack members as they do for you shows your excellence at being an alpha”. The leader spoke while gesturing to my surrounding pack members who had moved closer forming a protective circle around us.

 “It is surprising we have only just arrived yet your pack shows more allegiance and a caring nature than any other we have been too” an elder spoke he had bright vivid green eyes and seemed to be the youngest of the group and the quietest with an observing nature.

“Thank you it means a lot to my pack that you think so highly of us” I answered pride and love showing through my voice.

“We speak of what we see young one is it true that this pack homes over 200 rogue wolves”.  I paused at that question it was asked in more of a curious then malicious voice by elder Drake.

“We do not see ourselves as rouges for many use that term to describe those who have lost themselves to their wolves. No the people here are the ones whose home caused them pain, those who wished for a better life for their family”. I answered in a surprisingly calm voice.

The elders looked shocked at my response but as soon as the shock wore of they were smiling elder drake was about to say something but was interrupted by my patrol wolves.

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