lost pup 28

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Chapter 28

I was about to speak when Drew interrupted me.

“Alpha they wish to speak to you immediately they say that they have important information that they need to inform you of” Drew explained.

I nodded in understanding hearing the urgency in his voice so I knew this conversation with the elders would have to wait.

I stood up about to give directions to Drew when he interrupted me again.

“Alpha they also had trouble crossing the border it seems that the rogues and hunters that are working together are gathering a mile outside our borders. It seems that they are preparing to attack” I looked into Drew’s eyes and saw nothing but worry.

It made me realise the situation that many people would be in especially those with children like Drew. Gesibellle was four months pregnant know and I could tell Drew was happy at expanding his little family but scared because of the timing of it all the war was just around the corner and who knew if any of us would live through it.

I walked to Drew holding his hand giving it a squeeze an act of reassurance I saw a small smile light on his face at my actions.

“Drew I want you to take the elders to get some food and the pack doctors should be free by know so ask them to look over their injuries. Also I want you to inform Mick that it’s his job to make sure that all the new packs settle in have Trevor and Daniel help him and give patrol duty to Victor”.

Drew nodded and started leading the elders outside the room towards the infirmary.

I turned to look at Alek who looked deep in thought probably still thinking over what Elder Drake had told us about.

I mean I was still shocked every wolf had been told about the demise of the monarchy but we had always been told that the fall of the monarchy had been due to the natural death of the queen and the lack of an heir.

But it seems that there was much more to that story though I couldn’t help but wonder what connection Alek and I had to this story.

“I’m not sure but I don’t think we’re going to like what the Alphas have to tell us il mio dolce” Alek spoke as he walked up to me wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me close.

I could feel his worry as he could feel mine even though we have not had the opportunity to mark one another we still could feel each other’s emotions something I had not expected but was glad for.

It made us both know how we felt about each other no lies were hanging between us I only hoped that we would both make it through this war together. So we could be a family with Kevin.

I missed spending time with him we were so busy with the preparations for the upcoming war I know Kevin noticed our distance from the sad look on his face but there was nothing we could do if we wanted to protect him and the rest of our packs then we must prepare.

“I know how you feel, but we have no choice we must be strong for our packs” I said.

“Yes we must, I can’t tell you how happy and proud I am that you are my mate il mio amore” he said I couldn’t help but blush he was so sexy when he spoke to me in his native language.

I felt Alek shaking as my cheek was pressed against his chest; he chuckled caressing his fingers against my cheek.  

“You are so innocent my love” he said as soon as he stopped his laughter.                        

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