Chapter 2 - Secrets

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Ok, I just posted chapter 1 and I kept my word when I said I'd be writing the next one straight away, moving on, here you go, chapter 2.


Sunlight shone through the window. I could hear the humming of the air conditioner and the faint noises coming from the lift. Yes, this week it's a long weekend. Three days of relaxing, after all, I didn't need to study, I already knew everything. I walked outside my bedroom and into the open space. It was early, no one was up. I opened the fridge, not needing to be quiet because my parents are heavy sleepers, and pulled out a massive block of chocolate. I returned to my room and switched on the tv that sat opposite my bed, munching on my chocolate. 

I flipped aimlessly through the channels until I settled on the most interesting one I could find, the news. I sighed and sat cross-legged on the bed. I wasn't paying attention until I heard the news lady say that criminals were dying from heart attacks inside prisons. Huh? That's strange. I pulled out a notebook and pen and wrote down the important information; names, times and locations. From my deduction skills and browsing the internet I came to the conclusion that all the deaths were in Japan. 

"This can't be a coincidence", I whispered to myself. "There has to be something else, a killer". I gasped as I looked at the news again. I dropped my notepad in shock. The bullies, m-my bullies, H-have, have died. I stood up and felt sick. I knew they were bullies but I have never experienced death, of people I know, even bad ones. I grasped at my stomach and ran into the ensuite and regurgitated. I felt sick, it was all over, I wouldn't be bullied again, but, but they were dead, someone I knew died. 

I ran over to my desk and dialled Light's number. "Hello?"

"Hey Light, it's me (Y/N)".

"Oh, hey (Y/N), are you ok, you sound upset."

"Have you seen the news."

"No, why".

"My bullies are dead. They all died of heart attacks".

"What, really. That's crazy." He paused. "Honestly, I think they deserved it, you should be happy about this (Y/N)"

"How could you possibly say that", I snapped. "They had families too you know. And just because they were bad doesn't mean they deserved to die. That goes for the criminals, yes maybe some of them deserved to die but it's just not right."

Light breathed heavily. "(Y/N) just calm down, I'm sorry about what I said. It's just because of what they did to you, that's all".

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm sorry that I snapped at you."

"It's ok. Anyway, at this rate, he will rid the world of evil." I heard a slight chuckle from his line.


"Yes, (Y/N)."

"What do you mean that he  will rid the world of evil."

"Huh, I said that. My words got muddled up. Sorry but I've got to go, talk later?"

"Uh, ok. Bye LIght" I ended the call and returned straight to my notebook to write that part of the conversation down. Light knows something I don't, and that's for sure. I hate secrets.


Hey guys, sorry this chapter was so short. I'm legit gonna write the next one in a few minutes. I ended it here because 1. ending on I hate secrets suits the chapter name and 2. I'm hungry and gonna get lunch. Enjoy =)

I Don't Like Bullies || L Lawliet x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon