Chapter 41 - Chains

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I walked out into the main room with Light and made my way over to L. They were glaring at each other; I was sick of it. "Can't you two just get along for once, stop acting like children!" The others looked over at me confused.

"What happened?" Matsuda asked confused. I hadn't told him about the fight, I didn't want to worry him.

"Oh, n-nothing. I'll tell you later." He nodded and swivelled his chair to face the computer once more. I glanced over at his screen and saw that he was playing computer games. Poor Matsuda, he was the runt of the pack. I sat down next to L and sighed, when would this feud ever end. Light took a seat next to me as Misa walked in. She happily skipped over to Light and sat down on his lap. I shot him a look which mean 'suffer'. He groaned and his head hit the back of the chair. My attention was pulled to L.

"(Y/N), look at me for a moment." I looked at him and he moved his hand into my hair and pulled something out. "You had something in your hair."

"Thanks." I smiled at him and he placed his thumb and index finger around my chin and pulled my face to his until our lips touched. He pulled away and gently caressed his hand on my cheek and returned to his computer screen.

"Light, why can't you ever be like that!" Misa whined.

"Misa, not right now."

"Yeah Light, why aren't you ever like that." I joined in. He glared at me.

"(Y/N), not you too." I laughed at him. Misa turned around and forced a kiss onto his stiff lips. He pushed her off.

"Not now Misa!" He said sternly. I felt bad for her. Even though I didn't really like her she shouldn't be treated like that. She deserved someone better than Light, someone who loved her and treated her right. I turned back towards L and starred at him lovingly. I think he noticed because he started smiling. I knew he liked the attention.

"Light I still suspect you as Kira and would like to keep an eye on you 24/7." What did he mean by that, how was he going to do that? He stood up and walked over to Light and slapped a handcuff on Light's wrist then one on his own. The chain was a reasonable length. "This chain cannot come off, only I have the key."

"Does that me we have to kiss inform of you," Misa complained.

"Well yes, I suppose you would." He replied.

"Hey, what about us?" I butted in. "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to agree with Misa."

"See even (Y/N) said it's a bad idea."

"Misa, I'm not saying it's a bad idea. It's just maybe a bit extreme, that's all."

"Yeah, yeah. I guess you're right." I nodded at her in appreciation.

"But that mean I'll have to kiss you in front of Light."

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind." He smirked. I glared at both of them.

"Fine." I crossed my arms.

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