Chapter 52 - Boredom

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YASSS GUYS we are 100 reads away from 2K. I'm so excited. How have your holidays been? I so happy that you guys are supporting my story. I wasn't expecting to even get near 100 reads. XD Author-chan. P.S. Dis ones a bit short, btw am I the only one terrified of flying. I'm interested to know?


L wasn't next to me when I woke up. I got out of the bed and walked into the other room. "Good afternoon (Y/N)." Watari greeted me.


"Yes, the time is currently 1:02 pm."

"Oh, thanks Watari. Where is L."

"I'm not sure but last time I saw him he was lying upside down in one of the lounge chairs." I frowned at him and walked to the lounge room. Sure enough there he was.

"Why are you upside down?"

"I'm bored. With me dead there is not much to do." He turned himself the right way and crouched. "You were talking in your sleep last night."

"Huh, what did I say?"

"You were screaming go to hell Light. Stuff like that." I shrugged.

"I'm not surprised."

"You started screaming my name."

"Ummm, what? I don't remember that."

"Yes, it was quite seductive I must say." A smirk crept across his face.

"HEY! SHUT UP." I picked a file of the desk and started hitting him with it. "No, don't you even dare. You little-." In that moment Watari walked in.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"No, nothing." I said coldly. I hit L once more and dropped the papers and looked back at him. "Get that smirk of your face." He chuckled in response. I picked up the file and threatened to whack him again.

"Ok, ok. I'll stop." I turned my back and started to walk away but stopped and groaned when he started to laugh. Embarrassed I continued to walk over to the desk where I decided to watch the Task Force on the surveillance cameras. Surprisingly enough they were worrying about me. I banged my head on the desk. Just watching them was making me stressed out for some reason. L came and sat next to me and started to work at his computer. I closed my eyes and let my head roll to the side. After some clacking and clicked the printer started making noises. I sat up straight.

"What are you doing?" He reached over and pulled a document from the printer then handed it to me. I studied it. It was two plane tickets to England. "England?"

"Yes, I think you need a break. Plus, there are some people I would like you to meet." I looked at the times.

"Lawliet? The plane leaves in four hours. I don't even have my passport with me. It's back at my parent's."

"We will get it on the way." I nodded at him. "Oh and you might want to start packing."

"Good idea." I shot up from my seat. "I'll tell the others that I'm going on a break with my family."

"Wise choice." Once I had left I walked into the main room where the Task Force was.

"(Y/N)! You're alright. We were getting worried about you." Matsuda chimed in.

"I having a break with my family. I will be out of the country for a little bit." They all nodded and I went back to my room and started packing.

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