Chapter 38 - Bruises

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We crashed to the ground. Light's body crashed into mine and I heard the breath being whipped out of L. My face throbbed, it was the hardest punch I had ever experienced, that included the bullies as well. I felt Light moving off me but I didn't move. I just kept laying, protected in L's arms. He groaned as he stood up. L's arm was still shielding my face and the other still tightly wrapped around my waist. "Hey Ryuzaki, let go of my girlfriend."

"No Light." He simply replied. I felt him beginning to pull at my arms, trying to pull me away. L's grip significantly tightened, he did not want to let go.

"Ryuzaki let her go!" Light's voice was starting to raise. He tugged even tighter but L held me in place. "RYUZAKI!" He finally shouted.

"I said no, Light." His voice was stern.

"(Y/N), tell him. Tell him to let you go." He kept on tugging but L kept on holding. "(Y/N), what's wrong with you. Why aren't you telling him to let you go! (Y/N)!"

"No Light, he said no." I whimpered, it was so faint that it was inaudible to Light. No matter what Light said or did I just continued to lie there on the floor wrapped up in L's protective arms. I heard his footsteps walk around to behind L. He started to force himself between us and succeeded. He dragged me a few meters away and pulled me to my feet by the sleeve of my shirt.

"Did he hurt you?!" Anger boiled in my blood.

"No he didn't." I sneered. "But you did." I raised my voice and tried to run back to L but he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back to him. I was about to slap him in the face but he violently took hold of my wrist. It was like been in tight handcuffs. Tears started to stream down my face. "LET ME GO!" I cried out. He took both wrists into one hand and pinned my chin in place with the other. He forced an unpleasant kiss on my lips. I retaliated and kicked him where the sun don't shine. He let go and bent down in agony.

"GHAAAA!!" He screamed in pain. I was running to L who was in the process of standing up on his feet, he was weak, Light had done that to him. Light pulled the back of my shirt and I fell face first into the floor. I felt the trickle of blood coming from my nose. He pulled me back up to my feet and held my shoulders in place, I too felt weak.

"Light, let me go, please." I wheezed out.

"No (Y/N), you're going to tell me what's wrong and why don't you want me around!"

"L-Light, please." I whimpered out.

"NO!" He yelled. Light violently took my wrists.

"Enough!" L's voice boomed. Light froze in his place. "Leave her alone!"

"Why should I. She's my girlfriend not yours so it's none of your business." L's raven hair was messy and he was clenching his fists.

"I think you'll find that it's my problem more than yours."

"Oh yeah, how!" Light demanded. L took a deep breath then his voice filled the room.

"Because she's my fiancé!"

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