Chapter 54 - Wammy's House

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The plane landed safely. Once we got out I almost had a mental break down about surviving the flight which L had to drag me behind a corner and clam me down. We hired a car and drove to Winchester. By we, I mean I drove to Winchester. L was too busy crouching and when he tried to sit normally his back would ache so I offered to drive. We pulled up to a large black gate, behind it was a large old building. "This is where I grew up." L said, he almost sounded sad. "I was an orphan. Watari took me in when I was eight. Ever since then this place has been used to find someone worthy to become my successor."

"Oh." A man approached the gate and opened it for us. I drove and parked near the entrance. I turned to him. "I hope my English isn't rusty. I always got the top marks so hopefully I'll be fine. I'm guessing that English is your first language."

"Yes. That is correct." I got out of the car and opened the door for L. The man from before greeted us. "Hello Roger." L stated. Roger looked wide eyed at him. "I am still alive and so is Watari."

"Well I'm very happy to have you back. Where is Watari, is this your new caretaker." He asked signalling to me.

"No, she's my fiancé." He said walking past him. Roger looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you." I said shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you too (Y/N). I am very surprised that L is in a relationship."

"Yes, to be honest so am I."

"English isn't your first language is it?"

"No, I'm Japanese. But I speak English fluently."

"Very impressive." He smiled and I joined L at the entrance. He pushed open the door. Inside were kids running around and playing games. They all stopped and turned to face L.

"You're alive." A blonde boy with a bob cut ran over to him and stopped just in front of him.

"Hello Mello." All the kids, maybe around fifteen ran towards L and pushed him down. They crawled all over him, laughing and telling him that they were happy that he was alive. My attention turned to a boy with white hair who was completing a puzzle in one corner. He sat like L but with one leg stretched out. L eventually pushed the kids off and crouched down next to the boy with white hair. They engaged in quiet conversation. The other kids tilted their heads at me.

"Who are you?" A young girl asked.

"I'm his fiancé."

"What. Wow I never expected him to be that kind of person."

"Well, he isn't that kind of person. I'm just special I guess..." I trailed off, my gaze turning to L.

"OOOOoooohhhh." They all sung in unison.

"Hey!" My face went bright red. L walked back over to me and took me by the hand. He knew what was going on and he was enjoying himself, I knew it.

"Kiss her!" Another small girl chimed. L pulled me in and gave me a quick peck on the lips. The boys groaned in disgust but the girl's hearts melted. Some were even crying.

"We should go." He chuckled. He grabbed both suitcases and rolled them behind him to a staircase. The girls pulled on the back of his shirt not wanting him to go. "I will be back later." They let go and started playing joyfully again. We reached out room and he dumped the suitcases on the floor.

"It seems like a happy place here."

"Yes, but everyone has dark pasts." I thought about this for a moment.

"Who was the boy with white hair?"

"I brought him here a few years ago. There was a virus and I saved the world." (Where my L: Change the WorLd fans at?)

"Modest much?"

"Indeed." I flopped down on the bed.

"I can't believe I survived the flight." I sighed.

"I think just survived it as much as you did."

"What do you mean." He turned to me and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Have you tried putting up with you when you are panicking." I glared at him and threw a pillow at his face.

"Stuff you L." He picked up the pillow and threw it back at me. "Oh, that's how you want to play huh?!" I smirked and threw the other pillows at him. It escalated into a full pillow fight. I squealed and hid under the bed. He dragged me out and threw me on the bed. I was laughing hysterically. I stopped and looked into his dark eyes which were strangely seductive. He slowly crawled on top of me and started planting kisses from my collar bone, up my neck, then on my lips. I slid my hand under his shirt.

The door suddenly slammed open. I heard a small girl gasp then instantly closed the door. I broke away from L. The girl immediately knocked on the door. "Come in." I groaned.

"No, don't." I sighed and pushed him off. The girl walked in hesitantly.

"Roger told me to tell you that dinner is ready." L stood up and nodded.

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