Chapter 30 - Confinement

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FYI, this chapter has fluff in it, not a lot but it might make you squeal inside. Author-chan =)


Months had passed, Misa had been brought in on the suspicion of being the 2nd Kira. We all just watched the whole time while L asked her questions. I looked at my watch, it was 8pm. "I'm going to go to bed now. It's being a long day." I went to stand up but for only Light to enter.

"Ryuzaki, I want you to place me under surveillance as well. It's the only way I can prove that I'm not Kira" It was all lies, he was Kira. No matter how hard I had tried I was never able to get enough physical evidence to use against him. Occasionally he had taken me out on secret dates, none of which I enjoyed but I was committed to this case and had to keep up the act. He would always ask me questions about L and also call me his goddess. It felt strange, it was creepy, insane.

"If that's what you wish. I have already had arrangements made." L said still staring at the screen. "Katori, could you please put these on Light." He held out handcuffs and a blind fold. I took them from him and went over to Light.

I slipped on his handcuffs and tightened them, then I put on the blind fold and whispered in his ear. "Lire, lire, pants on fire." He shuddered and I gripped him by the arm. "Where would you like me to take him Ryuzaki."

"Take him to Watari, he will take him from there." I nodded and dragged Light out of the room. We walked down the hallway.

"(Y/N), I promise I will make it through this, only then can we rule the world together." He paused, "My goddess." We stopped in front of the elevators and coldly glared at him, he couldn't see my expression luckily. I pushed the button. "Oh, and before I go, can you do something for your dear god."

"What is it, Light."

"Can you kiss me for good luck, not like I'll need it, but it's always best to be on the safe side of things." I really didn't want to, but I wouldn't have to see him for a while and I must be convincing that I'm devoted to him. I leant forward and planted a quick kiss on his lips.

"We must part ways now." I looked at Watari who was standing in the elevator waiting for him. I pushed him inside and bid farewell. The doors shut and the hall lights seemed to dim as I walked slowly back to the room. He was insane, there was no doubt about it. How was he going to get himself out of this one, without criminals dying they are certainly going to catch him. It would all be over, but this was Light. He always had some kind of trick up his sleeve. I felt free, like I didn't have to pretend anymore, even if it was only for a few weeks. I pushed open the door and fell to my knees. Emotion flooded me.

"I'm free." I whispered. L walked over to me and crouched by my side.

"But not for very long."

"Yes, I know that. But it's better than nothing." He sighed and closed his arms around me.

"Light will reach the facility soon." He stood up. "You don't have to watch if you don't want to." He outstretched his hand for me to take.

"No I must. I am a part of this investigation." I took his hand and stood up.

"I want to be placed under confinement as well. I can't function properly with my son being the main suspect. I'm sure you understand Ryuzaki."

"Yes I agree with you Soichiro Yagami. Matsuda, please take Mr Yagami to Watari."

"Right away." With that they both left, all that was left was Aizawa, Mogi, L and I. I sat down next to L to watch the screen. I could see Misa, Light and his father.

"Katori. I just want to say that I meant what I said."

"Huh, said what."

"When I said that I would marry you after the Kira Case is closed, so please be careful and don't get killed."

"R-R-Ryuzaki." I was speechless. I pinned his shoulders back and passionately kissed him.

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