Chapter 61 - Going Away

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Heyy guys. Sorry if this one is a bit short but I'm really tired. Honestly I want to stay awake all night so I sleep on the plane tomorow. You guys all know how I deal with flying :/ Thank you guys so much for you constant support. It really maked me happy to see that people are reading this. I never expected to get over 2K. So thank you so much. Author-chan


"I have to go to Hiroshima."

"What." I stared at L in confusion. "Why?" He crouched down in his chair and took a strawberry from the tray next to him and dropped it in his mouth.

"Well, you see." He swallowed the strawberry. "That is where I have confirmed the bomb is. I am extremely low on woman power so I have to go myself."

"Hold on, did you say w-woman power. Isn't it meant to be man power." He looked up at me and licked his fingers.

"(Y/N) I have a very high respect for women, especially you." I blushed a deep red and looked down at the floor smiling. "Anyway, because everyone thinks I'm dead there is no other choice but for me to go myself. Which I personally hate to do but it is necessary in this situation.

"I-I'm going with you."

"No, I won't allow that." I crossed my arms.

"Oh, try and stop me. How are you going to stop me, you and Watari will be gone so who's there to stop me?!"

"Watari is staying here under my strict orders. I will drive myself." He walked over to me and rested his forehead against mine. "These people are dangerous, what happens if you get hurt."

"I'm not going to get hurt (Y/N)." He cupped his hand over my cheek.

"Liar." I whispered. He sighed and pulled me into a hug.

"My dear (Y/N). Please trust me, can you do that for me?" He stared into my eyes. I nodded as a single tear went down my face. I knew how dangerous these people were. If anything were to happen to him, I was going to kill them myself personally.

"When do you leave?"

"Tonight." I put my arms around his neck and he picked me up gently and placed me on one of the couches. "Watari, may we have some tea." He called out. Moments later Watari had returned and placed the cups on the table. I went pick up the tea pot. "Let me." He took it from me and poured me a cup of tea. He started placing sugar cubes in my drink.



"Don't you think that's enough sugar?" He was up to twelve cubes. He then passed it to me.

"It will help your brain function." I hesitantly sipped out of the cup and immediately screwed my face up.

"Oh god! How can you drink this!" I coughed and spluttered.

"Feeling more awake?"

"Well yeah, I guess."

"See it works." He smirked. I groaned and leant back in the chair then took another sip out of my drink, forgetting that it had twelve sugar cubes in it I yet again spat it out.

"It's worse the second time!" I placed it on the table.

"L! Give your woman a proper drink and stop playing games." Watari ordered. The tables had changed, Watari was now giving the orders. L rolled his eyes and drunk the remainder of my tea then filled it up again. He was about to start putting sugar cubes in it again.

"I will be taking that." I snatched the bowl and placed two sugars in it then took a sip out of it. "That tastes better." I smiled. After a while I started to drift off to sleep then was lifted by L and was tucked into bed. "W-Wait, can you stay." He nodded and crouched next to me and gently kissed my forehead. I knew that he wasn't going to be there in the morning but all I could do is hope.

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