Chapter 3 - The Known

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I placed the phone back on the hook and exited my room. There waiting for me were my parents. "Hey honey, you know how we promised to go to that theme park today, we are very sorry. After all the recent murders we have been called back to work. I'm sure you understand and we promise we will make it up to you."

"I have no doubt that you will." I smiled. I didn't really want to do anything after these murders anyway, I just felt strange. Plus now I have the extra time to research the killings and find out Light's secret. They smiled back and left for work.

The apartment became empty and I brought out my computer and notepad to the kitchen bench and sat on a stool. "Let's see if anyone else has died". After turning on the kitchen tv and taking more notes 6 more criminals had died, some even on live tv. Someone is behind this, and I know that for sure. But how do they kill? It could be a criminal organisation, no the one on live tv that was running down the street had no one around him, so it has to be one person. I looked up more information on the case and found many websites that had labelled the killer as Kira.

"So, Kira. You think that you're doing the world some good. Sure it's getting rid of the criminals but, Justice will prevail."

I leant back and sighed. Hours had passed, it was now almost midnight. I had almost used the whole notepad. I then fell asleep on the couch.

(The next morning)

My phone buzzed, it was a text from my parents. "Sorry, but we won't be home for the rest of the week, take care. We will make it up to you".

I trust them, this was only the second time anything like this had happened. I knew they would make it up to me. It was already midday, crap I slept in. I can't waste time on this case. I want to solve it. Within all the research I had been doing I had managed to use our wifi up. I picked up my phone and called dad.

"Dad, can you refill the wifi, I used it all up."

"Why." I was horrible at keeping secrets from my parents. I have to tell them.

"I'm researching the Kira case."

"Oh," he sighed. "(Y/N) if that's what you really want to do, me and your mother will fully support you."

"Thank you so much", It was hard to contain my excitement.

He then hung up then checked our internet usage. Huh? He upgraded it to unlimited, he must really care and support me. I smiled.

Hours passed and I kept thinking about what Light had said yesterday over the phone. What does Light mean by it? Hours had passed until I made a connection.

Oh. No. I suspected Light as Kira. The killings only started on Friday after school, just after school, just after Light became nervous and hid the item that had fell from the sky. "NO, IT CAN'T BE HIM." I screamed, throwing my notepad at the wall. How could Light, my friend who always stuck up for me be Kira. Only someone heartless could be Kira and I know that Light has a heart. I practically owe him my life. "No I need to be professional about this, if I ever want t become a detective I need to stay strong." I calmed myself down.

With all the evidence that I had collected I think this is enough to take to the police. I stopped and stared at the tv. A man with the name Lind L. Tailor sat at the news reporter desk and addressed Kira. He was claiming to be L. I had heard this name before. I had always admired him from his other cases and was hoping one day to work alongside with him.

This is a fake; L would never show his face. Lind L. Tailor grasped at his chest in pain collapsed at the desk. What is going on, what is happening. The screen changed and the letter L appeared in old English font. The voice had a disguise on it and I knew I was right. It was a fake. He addressed Kira, or who I suspect as Light. It tore me to pieces to think that Light could be Kira.

"Kill me!" the voice shouted. "So there are some people you can't kill."

"Yes", I shouted into the air. This made me like L even more, I wanted to meet him so bad. I-I think I have a c-crush on him. This is crazy, liking someone you are never going to even see or meet. Fat chance at relationships.

I had to go to the police with this information. I knew that Kira only needed a name and a face to kill. I grabbed my notepad and my backpack and sprinted to the NPA.

I arrived there breathless. I took a swig of water and then entered the building. I walked up to the front desk and was about to introduce myself when a man in a big coat and hat came out from behind a door. The receptionist indicated for me to go to him. This was strange, they knew I was coming?

"I am Watari."


Oh, I just realised that this one is also short whoops. Another chapter coming right up. =)

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