Chapter 10 - Matsuda & Secrets

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Hey guys, I'm in a really good mood right now, parnianimal you know why. So expect a lot of chapters and fluff.


Today was another day, another day of hiding away. Away from Light. I hadn't spoken to him since the incident. I leant back into my chair and watched the hands of the clock suddenly click by. A knock on the door disturbed me from my trance. 

"(Y/N), you may come out of your room. Light is sick today and has decided not to come in." L said in his monotone voice. 

"Yes. Finally, I can go out of this room." I stretched my arms towards the ceiling and a massive crack came from my shoulders and back. I tilted my neck to both sides and they cracked as well. L seemed to slightly cringe at this, but then, with a smirk. He started to crack his fingers individually. It was just like a contest. I followed his lead and started to try and crack as many things as possible. This all lasted for a good three minutes of us just standing there, having a silent competition. L won of course. 

I pouted and walked out of the room. There waiting for me was Matsuda. He playfully punched my arm and said. "So Katori, how's the boyfriend." He nudged me with his elbow looking towards L. L had the most confused look on his face ever possible. The rest of the task force turned to me. 

"Matsuda, what are you talking about," I yelled. "We are not-" I was cut off.

"Very good in fact." L said slinking his arm around my shoulders. I felt my face heat up, for two reasons. One: I was mad at Matsuda, Two: L was with me. I shot a massive glare at Matsuda and mouthed I'm gonna kill you. He laughed nervously at this and realised what he had just done. 

"When did this start?" Aizawa demanded. I looked down at the ground and rubbed my feet together. 

"Well!" Insisted Mogi. Matsuda had a worried look on his face, he knew he had messed up. The atmosphere had changed from fun to intimidating. Matsuda jumped in front of me and L.

"It's none of your business. It's between Katori and Ryuzaki, not us." He said rushed, trying to redeem himself. His arms were flailing and then he scratched the back of his head.

"Matsuda, enough." Soichiro Yagami said annoyed. Mogi and Aizawa folded their arms and grunted.

"This better not get in the way of the Kira investigation." Mogi said in a quiet tone.

"Don't worry, it wont." L shrugged and walked back to his computer. The task force was still staring at me. I felt so embarrased. Matsuda walked towards me sheepishly. 

"I'm so sorry Katori."

"You betta be." I snapped back at him. He flinched. "But on the other hand, I should be thanking you." I said slyly. He laughed.

"That's great!" 

"But to repay me you have to play cards again with me."



Sorry that this is shorter than usual, I'll write more after dinner. Enjoy =)

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