Chapter 40 - Marshmallows

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Hey guys, I mannaged to upload this through my hotsopt. I completley forgot about how L and Light were chained together. That will be next chapter, Author-chan =)


It had been over three months since we had moved into the new headquarters. The case had been moving slow and my friendship with Light had mended. Even though he never directly said it he was still trying to win me over. We had collected evidence that somehow the Yotsuba group was connected to Kira. I lay stomach first on the couch and worked away at my computer. My job was to research all the members of the Yotsuba group in very great depth, that included anyone that had connection with them.

I heard the lift door slide open and someone walk into the room. I didn't bother to see who it was because I was too engrossed in my work, even though it was boring. Something soft and squishy hit my head. "What was that?!" I looked up to see L with his hand stuffed in a bag of marshmallows. "Did you just- "He took another one out and threw it at my face.
"Hey!" I jumped up over the couch and took the bag off him. I looked into it and took a handful out. I threw them towards him and the scattered. One hit L in the eye and he rubbed his dark eye. He crouched down and picked the marshmallows up, smirking, he started to throw them one by one. I laughed hysterically out of pure enjoyment. His smirk turned into a genuine smile. I ran over to him and tipped the bag over is raven hair. The powder from the bottom of the bag clung onto his hair.

"Ok, ok, you win." He coughed.

"That's not like you, giving up."

"Oh, don't be mistaken. I haven't given up yet." He stood up and ran at me. I stepped to the side but he wrapped his arms around my waist and hauled me back over to the other side of the couch. I landed on top of him and stared into his dark eyes. The marshmallow powder covered his dark bags under his eyes which made them look normal.

"Nup, you're not keeping that look." I dabbed my thumb on my tongue and wiped away the powder where his bags under his eyes were. "Better," I beamed. He pulled a hand away from my waist and moved a stand of my hair behind my ear.

"Soon (Y/N), soon. It will all be over."

"I hope so." I whispered back. He pressed his lips to mine which tasted like marshmallows. I then heard the lift doors slide open. I groaned and sat up straight to see who it was, Light. "Light, what brings you here."

"Well if you aren't in the middle of something- "L pushed me down and sat up instead.

"Yes Light, we are in the middle of something." I pushed him off and walked over to him. I could feel the hatred between Light and L radiating off each other.

"What is it Light?" He stopped glaring at L and turned his attention to me and smiled.

"Would you like some tea?" Was this all he came up for. I looked apologetically and replied.

"Sure." L hopped over the couch and walked towards me.

"I should go work, no time can be wasted." He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. "I'll be back later." He let go and I held onto his hand but let go once he was out of reach. He entered the lift and left. Light sighed.

"What is his problem."


"Yeah, he was smirking at me when he was hugging you." I giggled.

"You two are just like children you know." He crossed his arms and I lead him into the kitchen to make tea. Once it had brewed we took a seat in front of the window, sitting in silence. I knew that he came to talk about something.

"Light." He looked up at me. "What did you want to talk about."

"Huh, I just came here for tea."

"Mmh, sure. I can read you like an open book, so tell me."

"It's about Ryuzaki."

"I'm not surprised."

"I just don't like him." I sighed and leant back in my chair.

"Go on." He didn't stop talking for what felt like an hour. Complaining about all L's faults, telling on him like a child.

"W-what I'm trying to say is that I think you deserve someone better."

"And I'm assuming that person would be you." He looked down and twirled his thumbs around the cup.

"How did you know." He smiled innocently.

"Because you're full of yourself and think that your better than anyone else." He pursed his lips together, he knew it was true.

"The only person who is better than me is you." I stood up.

"Light, stop flirting. It's not working." I took our cups into the kitchen and dumped them into the sink and walked back again. "I'm going to go downstairs and work, coming?"



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