Chapter 6: Team 7 pt. 2

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Hey, so again sorry for the slow updates. School and stuff ~ Captain Kayla

Murasaki leaves the classroom through the window, not bothering to stay around for introduction time. She doesnt feel the to introduce herself seeing as they already saw to much of her emotions. She starts to walk home, slowly, taking in the scenery of Konoha. She felt more relaxed, she didn't have to be so respectful as she was in ANBU. She hadn't realized that it grew dark as she was wandering around the village. She suddenly felt a presence behind her, by instinct she appeared behind the presence with her sword up against their neck.

"What do you want Duckbutt?" Mura spits out. She feels the young boy shiver at her tone.

"I.... I just want to talk..." The boy puffs out. She slowly pulls her blade from his pale neck.

"About what?  What is there to talk about!?" Mura yells at him, losing her temper rather quickly.      "When....when did you adopt me?" Sasuke says slowly, as if still trying to process it.

"As soon as I got back to the village of course. Who do you think gives you money and pays your rent? Me,dumbass! " Mura says to the boy.

"Oh....Well also... I'm sorry.." Sasuke says, looking down at his feet. Deep down he still looked up to the girl, even if she loved his elder brother.

"Are you gonna stop hating Itachi? " Mura asked seriously. Sasuke looked up into the girl's eyes.

"You know I can't do that." He said seriously. Mura sighed,

"Fine,it can't be helped. I forgive you Duckbutt. " Sasuke smiles up at the girl, giving her a real smile. Mura sees this and hugs the boy. She then whispers into his ear,

"By the way Duckbutt, dont go so hard on Sakura and Naruto. Naruto especially, okay teme? He gets pretty lonely. " Mura asks the boy. Sasuke scoffs and smirks.

"Like I'd be nice to that fangirl and dobe." He said. Mura laughs, and ruffles his hair.

"Whatever duckbutt. I'm going home, make sure you sleep good." Mura says and then teleports away. She arrives in her house and drops on her bed.

"Ita, I miss you. Sasuke is a dick, he won't believe me. He forgave me at least. I know you can hear me you little weasel. Be safe. Night. " Mura says to herself, as she drifts off to sleep.

         ~With Itachi(POV)~

At least she is happy at the village. She is figuring out that I can hear her through the necklace I gave her... I miss her a lot.. I wonder if she changed....if her personality changed or her looks. She is still beautiful, she always will be.

~Back with Mura. That Morning~

"Oi, Kaka-baka let's go! The kids are waiting!" Mura yells, poking the mans unmasked face. Kakashi groans and rolls over.

"KAKASHI I SEE YOUR FACE!!!!" Mura yelled in his ear. Kakashi jumps up with a kunai in hand.

"WHAT TH-MURA WHAT THE HELL! " Kakashi yells at her. Mura laughs, and stares at Kakashi's face.

"Kaka-baka why wear the mask? Your face ain't that bad! " Mura says bluntly. Kakashi blushes, and puts on his mask.

"I don't want to be followed like Sasuke. " Kakashi says, he yawns.

"How the hell are you tired!? You got like 10 hours of sleep!! " Mura exclaims.

"And how many did you get? " Kakashi asks.

"3 or 4 hours. I don't need much sleep. " Mura replies in boredom. Kakashi's eyes widen at the girls lack of sleep, and wonders how she has so much energy. She sighs, knowing she will have to explain.

"I haven't been able to sleep much well since that night.. " She looks down at her feet, a pang of guilt going through her.

"Yeah.. I wouldn't be able to either. It's okay. " Kakashi says to the girl, patting her head.

"Well, C'mon Kaka-baka, lets go teach! " Mura says and then teleported away.

        ~Training grounds~

"MURAA-CHANNNNN! " Naruto runs to the girl's arms, hugging her tightly. Mura chuckles and ruffles the blonde haired boy.

"Murasaki......sensei, what are we doing here? " Sakura asks politely, slightly scared from the day before. Mura looks at the pinkette with a satisfied grin. I

"No need to be that scared Pinky, I don't kill my students. I protect, you are now my family, just don't piss me off too bad. That means tone down your obsession with Duckbutt over there" Mura said, pointing to Sasuke at the end. Sakura nods quickly, understanding.

"Okay now it's only fair if I tell you about me, given that I know everything about you. " Mura said, looking at each child.

"Sensei, how do you know us? " Sakura asks.

"I know everything about the village, including the citizens, and ninja. You are Sakura Haruno, you have no special abilities, but you are very smart. Almost Chunnin level. Naruto Uzumaki, scored lowest in the class. Can do Shadow Clone Jutsu. Last but not least, Duckbutt. Sasuke Uchiha, one of the last Uchiha out there. Can perform Fire style: Fireball jutsu. Scored highest in the class. Advanced in just about everything. " Mura finished. The kids jaw dropped.

"That was off topic. I am Murasaki Tamashi, I graduated the academy when I was 5. Around a year or two later I was promoted to ANBU. A few years later, Itachi joined ANBU and became Captain of a team including me and.. Taka. Then the Uchiha Massacre happened and I left the village for awhile. I came back and was a ANBU up until now. The only reason I'm with you guys is because my teamwork." Mura says with boredom. All the kids give her a shocked look.

"Murasaki-sensei, how strong are you? " Sakura asks with wide eyes. Mura chuckles,

"Quite strong Pinky, so don't fuck with me. " Sakura nods in understanding, taking a note to be careful around her sensei.

      ~After the bell test~

  "You all...... PASS!" Kakashi says, with his signature closed eye smile. Mura laughs as the 3 now genin's jaws drop.

"Congrats guys. You are all official members of Team 7! Led by Kakashi Hatake and Murasaki Tamashi!! "

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