Chapter 30: End

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 I walk by the edge of the forest and go in a bit. I take out a scroll and smear my blood on it, making a puppet appear. 

 "Soul Style: Body Clone." I mutter and the puppet turns into a exact copy of me. I poke it and make sure it seems real enough and put some blood into it to make it seem more real. Now, time for the bad part. I unwrap the bandages to reveal on the scars and take out some rope.

 I tie a noose and tie it to the puppets neck. I then attach the rope and hang it on a tree. I look at my work and smile as weird at it was. This wasn't the first time I've done this. I had to do it in a few Anbu missions, but this was by far the best work I've done. Patrol should find this in about 10 minutes and that gives me plenty of time to run and hide. 

 "Hey, I think I hear something." A woman's voice said and I swore and hid my chakra, hiding in a nearby tree. 

 "Oh my god! Eagle go get the Hokage!" The voice yelled and one of my Anbu came into view.

 "Murasaki-sama! Murasaki-sama! Wake up!" The woman, who I now recognized as Panther cried out. Tsunade comes running and gasps, she will get it eventually. 

 "Shit! Mura!" She swore, and I rush away from the scene, running to the Compound.

  ~Tsunade's PoV~

 I look over the dead body of Mura, but then notice something was off. There was a new scar on her cheek from training this morning, it must be a technique. I pick up her body and let some fake tears fall. I walk through the village with 'her ' in my arms, many people gasping. We walk pass Ichiraku and Naruto comes running out yelling for me. I keep walking, putting on a depressed facade. I ignore Naruto's calls and he runs in front of me, his eyes drop to the 'body'

 "O-oi, what is wrong with her?!" He questioned and I looked at him with 'grief'

 "She is dead!" I yell, more fake tears running towards the Hokage tower.

 "W-WHAT! OI GRANNY WAIT UP!" He yells towards me, following. I barge into the office and lay her on the couch. Why would she do this?

 "Anbu! Fetch me Sakura Haruno and Kakashi Hatake!" I order and they teleport away. Naruto slammed the door open, Jiraya following and rushed over the puppet.

 "What's going on?" A sleepy voiced Kakashi said, then noticed Naruto crying over the puppet. His eye widened and pain passed through it. 

 "....Mura?" Kakashi whispered out, pushing Jiraya out of the way and kneeled next to a crying Naruto.

 "T-Tsunade-sama. Please tell me this is a j-joke?" Kakashi said, almost whimpered out. I look at him with pity, why would she do this to them?

 "N-no, I'm sorry it's not." I say and Naruto cried louder. Sakura comes in and notices everyone with a depressed form.

 "W-what is going on?" She questions.

     ~3rd PoV~

 Sakura sees the familiar bright purple hair and then puts 2 and 2 together.

 "N-no! NO!" The pink hair girl cried out, rushing towards the 'dead' girl. Sakura cries over her body, her body shaking violently. Naruto wraps his arms around the girl and they cry together. Kakashi sits there, stunned. It was happening again, he had lost someone dear. It was his fault, he thought. He had been so harsh on her, he knew she was suicidal, he knew she hadn't been stable. He knew everything yet he was a complete asshole to her. Naruto cried over his now dead sister. Who would pay for his ramen? Why did she do it? Was it because of himself? Or was it someone else's fault? No he also though it was his. Sakura shook and sniffled, not able to take it. She promised to come back. Who would train her? Who would be there for her? She was her sensei for Kami sakes. She was never going to laugh with her again. The one her hurt the most however, knew the truth. She wasn't dead, only Tsunade knew that. She would have to carry the burden from her village. Murasaki Uchiha was alive and she would only know that, her village and ninja would mourn, her family would mourn, but she couldn't do anything. This was how Murasaki wanted it to be. She was only going to be gone for 3 years. What baffled Tsunade the most however was,

 Why would she? To get Danzo off of her? To protect her family? Or had she finally lost it?

 ~One week later, Mura's PoV~

 "We are gathered here today to honor and remember a great and noble ninja. Murasaki Uchiha was a very strong willed ninja. She was a honorable Hokage, as well as a Anbu Leader. She was a mother, a daughter, a sister, a sensei and a wife. Murasaki had been loved by many, but it seemed like we as a village hadn't supported her like we should have. She had committed suicide on October 15th, by hanging herself. Now some people would like to speak." Tsunade said, tearing up. I watch from the Hokage faces, with my mask on and a black cloak. A very messy and distraught Kakashi walked up and pulled out some cards. I gaze at all those who intended my funeral, everyone was there, some were crying, some seemed they were in shock still.

 "Urm, I am Kakashi Hatake. Mura was a very idiotic, cheerful girl. Some saw that side of her and some only saw the negative side. She was not one to trifle with, she was quite scary. When we were kids, heh I accidentally dropped her dango and she tied me to a tree for the whole night, with a kunai to my throat.  " Kakashi told and some chuckled at the story, including me.

 "She was a great person, though she was dumb sometimes, she always put others in front of herself and well... I guess everything c-caught up to h-her" He finished and started to break down, quickly leaving the pedestal. Sakura was up next, her eyes were red from crying.

 "I'm Sakura Haruno. Mura-sensei was a great person. She was pretty much was my big sister and I looked up to her greatly. She knew a lot of things, whether it be about combat or boys. It was amazing. She trained me even though I was weak. She saw potential in me and I can never forget that. She believed  in me and pushed me over the edge. She made me a stronger, and faster girl. She had a lot of problems but she managed to stay happy, not for herself but for others. People took that for granted. When Sasuke left, people hated her, her own family said they hated her! She still smiled though, I guess she finally broke. After all it was well over due, she had been through so much. I-I just wished she could've chose another route. Thank you." She finished, tears streaming down her pale skin. Naruto was next, but he couldn't move from his spot. He ran over to the casket and pounded his hands on it in spite. I frowned at his broken self. I focused my chakra and made some purple roses before using their peddles and sending them off towards the crowd. Only some would pick up this clue. A clue that Murasaki Uchiha, was in fact not dead.

 "Mura, let's go home. The kids will get fussy." A voice told me and I looked back lovingly.

 "Okay, yeah. Let's go home, Itachi." I say and take one last glance at Konoha. 

                   "I will be back. I promise. Although having many broken promises."

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