Chapter 22: Hospitals

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So, this book will be around 30 chapters and then the sequel will come out for the Shippuden days. I hope y'all are liking the book so far! ~Kayla

 "Tsunade-sama, we must leave." Shizune attempted to wake the hungover Tsunade, currently asleep in my kitchen.

 "Shizune, you will never be able to wake her up by being gentle. C'mon now." I snicker and purple flames engulf my hand. I punch Tsunade and hear her scream and wake up. 

 "WHAT THE HELL?! MURA!" She yelled out and Jiraya yelled as he walked into the room with a sleepy Naruto. 

 "Heh, you weren't waking up!" I yelled back and made hand signs.

 "Flame heal!" I say and her burn goes away quickly. I sigh in relief that it worked. 

 "Glad that worked, the last time I used but the burn got worse!" I say and Tsunade gains a irk mark. She raised her fist and me and yelled loudly. 

 "YOU USED ME AS YOUR TEST SUBJECT?!" She yelled out in anger and I smile at her. 

 "Why wouldn't I?" I say and she smacks the back of my head, I wince and grab my head and whine out in pain. 

 "Ow...Don't hit pregnant people! I thought you were a medic nin?!" I yell at her and Jiraya grabs me and pulls me away from her to stop our bickering, 

 "Mura-nee! We need to get to Sasuke! Oh, and Bushy brows! And Kakashi-sensei!" He yelled and I ruffle his hair and nod at him.

 "You're right Naru, let's go back to the village!" I say and whistle for Chi. He comes running into the house, excited as ever. He looks at everyone and stops.

 "Milady! There are people in the compound!" He yelled out and I sigh, I knew he would freak.

 "Chi, it's fine. Let's go home, K? " I say and hop on his back. Naruto runs up to Chi and pets him lovingly, 

 "Hi! Chi-chan!" He yelled out and he whimpers, his ears now hurt from his loud yelling. 

 "Naru, don't be so loud!" I scold and walk away on Chi. The others trudge behind me througgh the compound until we reach the gates of the compound. 

 "Barrier, open!" I say and the barrier opens so we could all walk through. We walk through the lush green forest and onto the trail to Konoha.

 After a long couple hours, we start to see the big red gates of Konoha. Chi speeds up to catch up with Naruto and we walk through the gates. Many people bow at the sight of me and I sweat drop, why must they treat me this way? Honestly, I'm not very different from anyone else.

 "HOKAGE-SAMA! " Shikamaru yelled and ran towards me, seeing everyone else behind me and Naruto.

 "Shika, I'm not the hokage anymore, chill. This lady behind me is, meet Tsunade!" I say as I leave towards the tower. We walk in and Tsunade sits in her desk, Kono comes barging in not to longer., along with Naru.

 "WHO ARE YOU! SITTING IN GRANDPA'S CHAIR?! GO AWAY! YOU AREN'T THE HOKAGE!" He yelled out, tears in his eyes. I look at him sadly and he looks at me, sadly. 

 "Onee-chan! Get this ugly out of you and Grandpa's seat! I don't like her!" He cried into my arms while Tsunade gained a irk mark. I pat Kono's head and smile down at him, sitting down with him on my lap.

 "Kono, listen to me. Tsunade-sama here is as strong as I am, she is a good person. She is just old and scary. Now, I can't be hokage because I can't protect the village properly." I tell him and he gives me a worried look. 

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