Chapter 25: Birth

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   I drift in and out of consciousness, unbearable pain in my lower half. I scream out in pain as Tsunade yells for more nurses. Kakashi runs in the room and sees me in a disheveled state, I look into his visible eye and see pain and hurt.

 "AAAAAAA" I scream out again and Kakashi runs and grabs my hand, trying to soothe me. I start to drift away again as I hear Tsunade shout orders, Kakashi looks at me with a panicked look. My vision blurs as I push again, a small cry heard. I smile weakly as Tsunade shouts for my first born to be monitored. 

 "C'mon Mura! One more!" She calls out to me and I scream out as I push, the pain fades almost immediately as I wait for a second cry to be heard. I hear no extra cry and a new pain washes over me, I feel a tear start to fall. 

 "Fuck!" Tsunade yells out and her hands start to glow green on my baby girl.

 "T-Tsuki.." I whimper out and try and get up and rush towards my baby. Kakashi holds me down as I attempt to get up. I grow angry and start thrashing about, despite the pain.

 "LET ME SEE HER!" I yell out and Kakashi gives me another look a pity. I growl out and try and push Kakashi away, but being to tired to do so. I hear Sugi's paws run around the room frantically. 

 "Tsunade-sama! Put the babies near each other! " She yelled out as Tsunade called for nurses. More tears fall down my faces as I see the nurses bring in my son. I look at the crow on the windowsill and watch it with sadness. Itachi...I'm sorry

 "She is gaining a heartbeat!" Tsunade yelled in surprise and then started using jutsu on her once again. I smile and look up Kakashi as he pulled his hand away. I stare at him, confused as to what was going on. 

 "Hokage-sama, I must go." He said and poofed away, leaving us. I hear a second cry as I slowly fall into the darkness, where pain wasn't a thing.

                     ~  Tsunade's PoV~

 Beep...beep........beep...........beeeeeeeeeeeeeeap. I hear the monitor slow down and I turn around in surprise. Shit!

 "Mura!? Murasaki!" I yell out as I run towards her, placing my hands on her heart. Her heart is failing, shit. 

 "SHIZUNE! GET IN HERE!" I yell out in distress, not wanting to lose another family member. Shizune dashes in and stares at Mura. She rushes over and starts trying to get her heart to beat. 

 "Murasaki-sama!" Shizune yelled out as she focused more chakra into her hands with determination, not wanting to lose her little sister figure. I watch helplessly as I watch my god daughter slowly start to die. Tears start going down my face as I hear Shizune swear and bring her hands away from Murasaki.

 "M-Mura..." I whimper out and drag my hand along her face. I hear a crow caw and fly away hurriedly.

  ~Itachi's PoV~

 "LET ME THROUGH!" I yell as I run through the hospital in distress. Not caring at all if anbu were to see me. I run into my wife's room and notice Tsunade-sama hunched over Mura's body. A sob passes through my lips as I run over to her. A crying Tsunade looks towards me and her faces contorts in anger and sadness.

 "This is your fault Uchiha! " She yelled at me and moved away from her body and towards two newborn babies. I walk towards Mura's body and stare at it, trying to find any signs that she would be alive. The ring around my finger starts to glow in a purple hue.

 "Tsunade-sama! Try and start her heart up!" I say to her and she gives me a angry look.

 "You idiot! She is dead!" She yelled and I place my hands over her heart.  My hands glow a very faint green, my knowledge in medical ninjutsu not very good, only knowing what the anbu taught me. Tsunade gives me a pitied look as I try to start my love's heart back up. One of my kid's start to cry out, the other voice following. I feel Mura's heart start back up, the heart monitor beeping slowly, but non the less beeping. Tsunade gasped and shoved me out of the way to perform jutsu on her. 

     ~Back to Mura's PoV~

 "Mura!" I hear someone call out and I try to identify the voice. I hear another one, this one identifying it as Ita's. Itachi?! What is he doing here?! I continue to float in a void as I hear voices surround me. I hear my heart beat start beating slowly. I try to call out to them, my voice cancelling out. I try again and a small whimper passes through my lips instead. I keep trying to call out, but struggling the whole time. Suddenly I hear a woman''s that seemed familiar.

 "Baby girl...speak my child. You can not leave them,now. My grandchildren were just born. Shi looks just likes his grandfather..Tsuki is a spitting image of Itachi. Wake up my dear," I hear her coax as I yell out towards her.

 "k-KAA-SAN" I yell out as her voice drifts away. This time I shout out Itachi's name, hoping to reach for him.

 "ITACHI!" I yell as I jolt forwards, leaving the void and into a hospital room. I look around and see a sleeping Itachi and a exhausted Tsunade above me. My eyes glow purple and I sit up, making Tsunade snap out of her concentrated daze. 

 "MURASAKI!" She yelled out and hugged me, Itachi jolting awake, almost dropping the twins. He ran over to me, handing over the twins to Tsunade and he smiled as he hugged me.

 "Would you like to meet them?" Tsunade questioned me as she handed me two beautiful children. Tsuki and Shi giggled, huge smiles on their faces. I looked at Itachi and he gave me a look.

 "It's okay Ita, leave before Danzo finds you. I love you!: I cheer to him, suddenly feeling energized with my children in my arms. He says a I love you and vanished in a murder of crows.

 "He really does love you,ne Mura?" Tsunade questioned me and I smiled up at her,

 "Of course he does Tsuna!" I cheer and continue to play with my babies hands, them giggling. I sit up, wincing slightly and grab some chakra pills and plop them in my mouth. 

 "Aah that hits the spot. Man I missed my chakra, cause you little pups were stealing my chakra to keep you alive." I baby talk to them before laying them in Tsunade's arms to get up. I stand up to stretch and my lower half aches and i groan out. Might as well check out if my chakra is back.

 "Forbidden art: Regeneration!" I say and feel my body repair myself, depleting my chakra to about 70%. Tsunade's hand whacked my head and then she turned serious.

 "Kakashi hasn't came back. Go find him!" She orders and I sigh out. Jeez, I just had a baby chill lady. I kiss my babies and leave through the window dashing towards Kakashi's chakra. I summon Kapena and hop on him.

 "Can't wait to meet 'em" He said and I smiled, happy that he talked. 

 "You will love them! Now, let's find Kakashi!" I cheer and secure myself on Kapena. Changing my clothes quickly and attaching my weapons. I place my katana on my back and smile.

 "I missed this!" I cheer as we near Kakashi's chakra. I sense a low chakra and try to pinpoint who it belonged too.

 "Shit! Naruto!" I yell out and hop off Kapena, dashing to a unconscious Naruto and upset Kakashi. I fall to the ground next to Naruto and place my hands on his chest and start to replenish his chakra but the nine tails blocks it out. I growl and get up, picking up Naruto and handing him to Kakashi. He gives me a slight glare, one that wasn't like him.

 "This is partly your fault...that Sasuke is gone. " He said, in a low tone and jumps away. I growl at him and run past him, flames slightly following my feet. 

 "If you all hate me so much, then I will leave." I growl out as Kapena catches up to me.

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