Chapter 24: No.

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 "What?" Shika looked at me surpirsed, his eyes widening. Tsunade looked at me and her eyes showed pure anger. 

 "Why? Mura why?" Tsunade asked me and I scoffed. My emotions were everywhere so I kept a blank facade. Shika's eyes held confusion, and betrayal.

 "What the hell was I supposed to do? Follow him? Tsunade he doesn't fucking listen to me! I have a curse mark as well! He left the village on his own accord. I told him that he would be dead to me if he walked past those gates! " I spit out at her and she glares at me. I run my fingers through my bangs, sighing in frustration. Itachi is gonna flip when he hears about this. 

 "Mura, Shikamaru, you will both gather a team of genin and rescue Sasuke. " She orders and I look at her in anger.

 "No. I can't go on this mission! I'm 8 months pregnant!" I tell her and she shakes her head and pushes us out of her office. Shika looks at me, his anger visible and he walks away from me. I follow him out and walk towards the gates with a blank expression. Thoughts plague my mind and I sigh once again. I was going to ask Tsunade if I were to raise my kids in the compound but obviously I can't now. I don't want Danzo near my children, we would be safe in the small village. 

 "MURA-NEE! WE GOTTA GET SASUKE COME ON!" Naruto yells and runs towards me, grabbing my hand.  I glance at his angry state and pull my hand away from his. He turns around and tilits his head in confusion. The wind blows and leaves fall around us slowly. 

 "No." I say and Naruto loses all emotion from his face before his eyes flash in hurt and anger. He then laughs nervously and scratches his head.

 "Haha Mura-nee, you got me there! This isn't a time to be joking around. Anyways let's go!" He said and reached for my hand once again. Shika walk up to us, Neji, Kiba, and Choji following him.

 "Naruto. I'm not going to get Sasuke. I let him go in the first place." I tell him and his face falls, and Akamaru growls out along with Kiba.

 "You what?" Neji asked me, surprise in his eyes. 

 "I let him go!" I yell at them and Naruto starts shaking. He looks down and starts to cry.

 "How could you? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?! WHY WOULD YOU? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED HIM! I THOUGHT YOU CARED! WHY WOULD YOU LET HIM GO LIKE THAT?! I HATE YOU! HE IS A NAKAMA AND YOU LET HIM GO! YOU LET HIM LEAVE! YOU COULD'VE STOPPED HIM! I HATE YOU! " He yelled out at me and the rest just watch. Villagers stopping to watch it go down. Hurt flashed across my face and I walk away. Naruto started yelling again, I walk away the last things I hear him say broke me. 

 "I HOPE YOU LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK! YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE!" He screamed out and I walk off, seeming impassive. The villagers start to whisper and glare at me as I walk through the village. Someone comes running behind me and I close my eyes waiting for someone to kill me, it wouldn't surprise me. Suddenly two arms wrap around me and I look down at the pale, girly arms. 

 "Sa..ku..ra?" I question as she rests her head against my back. 

 "Sensei!" She cries out and turns so she is hugging me the right way. I look down at her in surprise, why isn't she mad? Come to think of it, she wasn't upset in the office either. I kneel down to face the pink headed girl, and stare in her eyes. Her emerald eyes are glistening in tears and I find no hatred in them, just pain. 

 "Sakura...why don't you....hate me? I let him go, everyone else hates me now.." I say and she looks at me with surprise and wraps her arms around my neck.

 "I could never hate you! I know that you are hurting...I know you didn't want him to leave..." She tells me and I ruffle her hair.

 "You really are just like her, it's almost scary..." I say and she gives me a questioning look. I grab her hand and drag her to out training spot.

 "Sakura, listen to me. I'm going to leave when the twins are born. I'm not defecting, just taking a leave. When I am gone, I want you to train everyday! Tsunade will train you, trust me. You will become strong I pro-AH!" I start and double over in pain. I look down and see liquid dripping down my legs. Sakura's eyes widen and she helps me up quickly.

 "Shit! Shit! Shit! Summoning jutsu!" I yell out, Sugi and Chi appear and their eyes widen.

 "Milady! Sakura-chan!" Sugi and Chi yell out and Chi puts Sakura and I on his back. We all rush to the hospital and I scream out in pain. Chi whimpers below me and Sakura attempts to take the pain away. We rush into the hospital and Sakura yells for help. We are all rushed into a room and Tsunade rushes in the room. 

 "Tsu-nade: I croak out and she gives me a look and notices I'm in labor. Her eyes widen and she rushes over to me. I grip my necklace and attempt to reach Itachi. The necklace warms up and a crow appears on the windowsill. 

 "Let's push now!" Tsunade yelled out.

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