Chapter 28: Childhood

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                    ~Day before travel~

 "Oi, oi! Mura-sensei wait up!" Saku yelled as I lead her to my house. We run through the now, orange and yellow leafed trees rushing towards the compound. 

 "C'mon Saku! I know you wanna see the kids before I leave!" I cheer out to her, enjoying her tired expression as we sprint. 

 "Mura-sensei! You are going too fast!" She yelled out, now far behind me as I speed through the trees. I slow down and stop on a branch,  waiting for the tired pink haired girl to catch up. She slowly comes into view and stops on the same branch I was on. She places her hands on her knees and breathes heavily.

 "Sakuu! C'mon!" I whine out, showing my childish side to her. She sweat drops and starts to run again, I catching up to her quickly. We run at a moderate pace, reaching my house, and going inside. I walk up to my fridge and throw a water bottle at her. She drinks it quickly, savoring the water. I walk over and sit on my couch, looking at the now empty house. The house where I had lived in for 9, almost 10 years.  

 "Ne, Mura-sensei, you really are leaving?" Sakura asked me sadly, and I frown at her.

 "Saku, I have too. My kids need a childhood before being shoved into the Ninja world. That freak Danzo will try and take them.." I tell her, getting up and leaning over the bassinet revealing two Uchiha children. I pick up Tsuki and Shi and carry them over to the couch, giving Shi to Sakura.

 "Saaaaaa" Shi giggled out, playing with her hand cutely. His dark purple eyes gazing up at her. 

 "They both love you so much.." I say to her and look at her.

 "I can't let them get their emotions taken away from that man. That is why I must take them. What if one of them awakens the Sharingan? " I gaze at my little Tsuki. 

 "Or perhaps the Tamagan.. He would try and use them, and rip their emotions. Just like Danzo did to me when I was a childhood. I want these kids the childhood I never had. " I finish and she looks at Shi and Tsuki lovingly, now looking at them as her little siblings. 

 "i understand.." She said sadly, her frown turning into a smile as Shi placed his small hands on her face. 

 "Now, why don't we let Kizashi-san know that you are here so you can spend the night! " I say handing Tsuki to her and jump up. I put my fingers up and whistle for a messenger bird. I write a quick note and send it off to the Haruno residence.

 "Yay! Girls night!" She cheered and ran into the kitchen, grabbing some food out of the fridge.

 "What are you doing Saku?" i ask her and she turned around and smiled at me.

 "Making some cake!" She cheered and began to mix the ingredients. I smile happily at her and begin to grab some pillow and blankets for her to sleep on, placing them next to my bed. Suddenly, a messenger bird appears on my windowsill once again. I open the window and take the note off, staring at it.

 "A note? From who?" I ask myself and Sakura walks over to me, curious as well. I start to open it and notice a familiar seal.

 "Sakura get back!" I yell out, shielding her from the incoming explosion. Another note falls down and it reads something that will forever make me grateful for my loyal Anbu.

 'We wouldn't want anything happening to that Haruno girl? Or perhaps those two precious children? I suggest you leave, Tamashi-sama. Gomen for the explosion'   


  "Sakura, I'm sending you home. Now! I have to leave." I order her and she looks at me, a frightened look.

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