Chapter 13: Forest of Death and Pedo-Snake

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Chunin axams are almost over!~Kayla

~Forest of Death Entrances~


"Ko-chan, there wasn't anything suspicious in the forest. Something is off.." I say, feeling uneasy. I activate my Tamagan in both eyes and scan around.

"Ki, It's fine. Don't worry so much. Anyways, here they come!" She yells. I look over and see my team coming out.

"Sensei!!" Sakura shouts and runs over to me. I nod and wave.

"Hey guys. How was Ibiki-san?" I question. Naruto shivers but attempts to hide it.

"IT WAS NO SWEAT MURA-NEE IT WAS EASY! DATTEBAYO!" He yells. I flinch and sigh. I shoo them over where Anko starts to explain the rules and what not. She ends up throwing a kunai at Naruto and I growl at her throwing a senbon needle at her face. She deflects it and smiles at me. A grass ninja gives back Anko's kunai with her tongue. I narrow my eyes at the grass ninja and look at her with my Tamagan. Hm, She is suspicious but I can't seem to read their chakra. I look at Anko and give her a simple signal that we discussed earlier. Just me fixing my bangs.

"I'd watch yourself, grass nin." I threaten. I look over the sound ninja and a Konoha nin who I didn't know well.

"Go to your gates everyone!" Anko shouts. I teleport to the middle of the forest, in the tower. I sit and focus on everyone's chakra. I summon Opal, my sensor wolf so she could help.

"Hey Opal, can you keep track of my team's chakra levels? If they get low or change dramatically let me know. " I say to her.

"Yes, Alpha. " She says and her eyes glow a pale blue, as she concentrates. I focus on the grass ninja's chakra and track her.


         ~A day later~

I feel the grass ninja's chakra grow rapidly and I read it. Shit, Pedo-snake!

"Milady! It's your team!" Opal says, her eyes growing wide with worry.

"That Snake is with them!" She says. I growl and run towards them and place my hands on my stomach.

"I need to be careful. But I need to save them." I say to myself. I summon Kurumi, my earth style user wolf.

"Kurumi, Pedo-snake is attacking Duck butt and Naru. Protect them while I fight Pedo-snake. That's a order. Opal, assist her. Don't worry about me, keep them safe" I order, my Tamagan activates and I dash faster. I see Orochimaru about to attack.

"FUCK OFF PEDO-SNAKE!!" I yell and jump towards my team and push them away. I do a hand sign and a signal for my wolves to continue my order.

"I sssseeeee Murasaki Tamashi. My have I missssed you" He hisses out.

"Burn in hell. Forbidden Art: Purple Flame!" I shout as I summon my katana. Purple flames intertwine with the blade as I swing towards him. He kicks me in the stomach and I go into a tree. Fuck! I can't fight properly.

"Forbidden art: Flame Embodiment" I say and flames engulf his body. He dissapears, fuck, a substitution. He does hand signs and I widen my eyes, he is going after Sasuke!

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