Chapter 29: Issues

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 ~Sakura's PoV~

 I wake up in the hospital, listening to the heart monitor beat slowly.

 "Sakura, you're awake!" Naruto yelled out excitedly and I look down sadly, she came to save me..

 "Naruto, leave. I must talk to Sakura alone. " Tsunade-sama told Naruto and looked at me with a weird look.

 "Sakura, what happened?" She asked me softly and I looker over and at myself, looking for any injuries. 

 "Mura-sensei saved me...she even healed me, didn't she? Where is she?! I spit out, quickly. Tsunade looks at me with worry and showed me a note. It said that we wouldn't be seeing her for awhile.

 "Who attacked you?" She questioned me, with a soft voice. I look out the window, noticing some Anbu around the area.

 "ROOT Anbu...that's what I heard Mura-sensei say...he asked me if she was my sensei..I said yes and he attacked me." I say softly, trying not to wince as I think about it. Tsunade growled out and muttered swears under her breath.

  "It seems Danzo wants to mess with her again.. well, tell me if you see anything suspicious. Anyways, how did you get Mura here so quickly?" She asked and I grabbed the necklace and showed her it.

 "She gave me a necklace and it has a summoning scroll attached. I can summon her pack. Mainly Kapena-san and Sugi-chan.." I say and she looks at me surprised.

 "You mean they listen to you?" She asked me, her eyes widening.

 "Well yeah. She said I needed protection because it was dangerous for her to be teaching me." I say, tilting my head. Were they not supposed to listen to me?

 "Weird, well. Be careful. I need to handle some business..." Tsunade said to me, clenching her fists before leaving the room. I sigh and gaze out the window, watching the autumn leaves of Konoha fall around the town.

  ~Tsunade's PoV~

 That damn Danzo..

 "Raven, go fetch me Danzo please." I order one of MY Anbu. He nods and flashed away. I rest my chin on my hands and read the note again. That can't be all she has to say, can it? She isn't one for peace that's for sure. 

 "You called Tsunade?" Danzo said and walked into the office.

 "Lady Hokage to you, Danzo. Now, there was a report that one of your ROOT Anbu attacked Sakura Haruno, a mere Genin." I say shorty. He acted surpirsed adn i scoff in my head.

 "What?!" He gasped and I slammed my hand on the desk.

 "Don't you play dumb Danzo!" I order and he smirked.

 "What ever do you mean?" He asked slyly and I growl out.

 "You didn't just attack a genin. You attacked Sakura Haruno, a student of Murasaki Tamashi. This is no coincidence Danzo." I spit out and he chuckled.

 "Where is your proof? Does this Sakura girl have any prove? Or memory of what this Anbu looked like?" He asked me and I swore under my breath. He is right, she didn't know, who attacked her, just what. 

 "Murasaki does." I say and his facade fell.

 "What?" He asked me, real surprised. Suddenly familiar flames circled Danzo.

  "Did your lackey not give you my message, Danzo?" A female voice said from a shadowed corner.

 "How?!" Danzo yelled out in surprised, not being able to move from his spot. 

 "Well dear Danzo-sama You have injured my student. However, I will not hurt you." The now, known voice of Mura spit out,her words laced with venom.

 "Let me go! That is a order!" He shouted out, Anbu appeared in the office. They glance at Mura and slowly walk over towards her.

 "Ah Ah Ah, Danzo. We are equals in power. You can not order me around." She says slowly, making him sit in a chair, the flames dissipating. When did she learn to control the flames like that??

 ~Mura's PoV~

 "Now Danzo, you have some serious issues to keep messing with me! You know very well of what I am capable of. It seems I was too harsh on that Anbu. Perhaps he died? Maybe one of my wolves disposed of the body?" I say, a smile on my face. Kana was at the compound with the children, along with the pack. Danzo shivered at my murderous intent. I release him from my control and walk by Tsunade. I sit on her desk, crossing my legs. I watch Danzo eye me and then for wounds.

 "Trust me Danzo. I did not harm you in any way. I'm smarter than that. " I spit out. Danzo leaves, and I face Tsunade.

 "I don't think I should come back for awhile, ne?" I say and release the genjutsu revealing my beat up and bloody appearance.

 "What happened?!" Tsunade rushed and placed her hands over my wounds quickly.

 "I was training heavily. I got control of my flames better." I say shortly, feeling my chakra slowly come back.

 "Now, where is Saku? I want to visit her before I leave the radar. Don't worry. I will still be at the Compound, just no one else will know." I say shortly. Tsunade nods and tells me her room number and I flash step to the hospital, giving the nurse a heart attack. I smile at her and walk towards Saku's room. I walk through the white halls and knock on the white door.

 "I'm coming in~" I say and open the door, revealing a tired looking Sakura. Her face lights up and jumps towards me for a hug, her pink hair swaying behind her.

 "Mura-sensei!" She cheers and hugs me tightly. I chuckle and ruffle her hair.

 "Nice to see you too, Sakura." I say, sadness flashing in my eyes without her noticing. 

 "Has anyone visited?" I ask and she nods her head, but I can't help but notice the sadness. Must be about Sasuke.

 "Hai, only Naruto and Tsunade. Not many people have seen Kakashi since Sasuke-kun left.
 She informs me.

 "I've only been gone for about 2 days." I say and push her playfully. She smiles at me and pushes me back. I laugh and push her again. This time she pushes me down, laughing her ass off. I huff out and smile at her.

 "Well I gotta go. I will see you sometime!" I cheer and jump out the window. I rush towards Jiraya's chakra and see him and Naruto by the gates.

 "Leaving so soon, Perv? " I question and appear behind him. He jumps up and turns around, glaring at me. 

 "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE HUH?! WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!" Naruto yells angrily at me. I look at him sadly, and back to Jiraya.

 "Gomen, Jiraya. It seems that I will go." I say to him and walk away. Jiraya scolds Naruto and starts yelling more.

 "Gomen, ototo.." I say before running towards Kakashi's house. I conceal my chakra and quietly flash step into his house. I look around, seeing sake bottles around. Jeez Kakashi, it's not like he is dead.  I peek in Kakashi's room and notice he was fast asleep. I sigh and start to clean his small house. I pick up all the empty bottles and hide the full ones. He doesn't need to be drinking, he will end up exactly when Obi and Rinny died. I wipe all his tables down and make him some bento boxes for him to eat since he couldn't cook to save his life. I put his Icha Icha books back in the bookshelf we made and came across a few shattered picture frames. I pick the first one up and it was Kakashi and I on his birthday, the other of Us and Team 7. I flash step to a store and buy some picture frames, and replace them before setting them back up. I write a simple note and place it in his favorite Icha Icha book.

 'Gomen, Kakashi ~M.U'       

I teleport to the gates and walk into the forest, where my plan would start.

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