Chapter 8: The Twins

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                3rd POV

         ~Hokage's Office~

"Send me on a real mission Gramps!!! " Naruto yells. The team silently agrees that the D-rank missions are becoming boring. Mura sits on the Hokage's desk zoning out the conversation. A strong whiff of alcohol hits her nose and she cringes.

"Hn, a alcoholic. " Mura mumbles in distaste as a familiar bridge builder walks in.

"Ahh Koko-sama! " Tazuna exclaims, ignoring the rest of Team 7.

"Hello Tazuna-chan, How is Inari? " Mura says calmly. Before Tazuna could reply Naruto yells out.

"Why did you call MURA-NEE, Koko-sama??!!!!! " Naruto yells. Sakura figures that was her previous name when her sensei was in Anbu.

"Naru, when I was in Anbu, my name was Koko, that was my alias. Tazuna-chan please call me Murasaki or Tamashi" Mura says quickly, wanting to get this mission over with.

"Is that short squirt gonna protect me?! I can trust Ko- ur Tamashi-sama but no the squirt" Tazuna says grumpily. Naruto laughs wondering who the shortest was.

"Ha sucks to be them! " Naruto laughs out. Team 7 lines up, tallest to shortest. Kakashi being tallest, Mura being next, Sasuke, Sakura and lastly Naruto.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! " Naruto screams out attempting to attack Tazuna. Mura draws her kunai lazily and throws it, pinning Naruto to the wall. The Hokage watches the scene sighing.

*Hokage's POV*

She seems on edge but none the less happy. Though she still isn't making any emotional progress. Her shell has barely cracked, even with Naruto.

  *Mura's PoV*

This mission is fishy, something is happening behind this facade Tazuna-chan is using. I haven't seen Tazuna since... That day. I glance at the Hokage and enter his mind so we could talk privately.

"Grandpa, why did you want me to accompany the team for this mission... You know what happened last time... "

"Mura, dear you can't avoid the Land of Waters for need to let them go.. "

"Let them go? It's not that easy, they were my family,my kids! I was their mother figure! She.... SHE KILLED THEM! You know what, fine. I will do this mission, but if I sense her, I will kill her. She deserves it. They. Were. Just. Kids. " I exited his mind, quickly wiping my tears away before the others could see. I quickly teleport away as the memories surface.

Flash back

"Shi, Tsu, be careful! " Mura whispers to the two teens. They both nod, drawing their katanas. Kunai fly from all directions, nicking the twins slightly. A familiar person appears,

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