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Yes, I'm a fool. I just called up my past. My ex, Austin, or who I like to call Mr. Mistake. Yes, the same one who cheated on me with my supposedly best friend Amy. Always remember there's a reason why a ex is a ex. But in my defense I was at my lowest point, weak, and just needed that shoulder to cry on. Even if that shoulder royally screwed me over once upon a time.

Soon as I heard his voice I crumbled. "Hello" Austin answered.

"Austin" I said in a muffled sob. Silence. More silence.

I was on the verge of disconnecting when Austin finally spoke. "Laney are you okay" .

Breathing in I replied "I shouldn't of called you, but to be honest I needed to hear your voice. I'm having a horrible day and just needed someone to talk to. Sorry for bothering you" I said ready to hang up .

"Nooo Laney, wait. Your not bothering me. I'm glad you called". Austin said sounding excited .

Whhatttt? I looked at my phone confused. He's glad I called? When I remained quiet he spoke again. "I really am Laney. I've been thinking about you and wanted to let you know Amy and I broke up a few months ago".

Say what? They broke up? Hummm.... Biting the bullet I said that I was sorry to hear that then asked "Would you like to come see me? I'm at Missy's place?"

"Absolutely Laney". He replied quickly.

We made our arrangements then hung up. I thought I would feel better, but sadly I didn't. Since the night I stupidly stole London s wallet my life has been falling apart. It was if that wallet was cursed or this is my karma. Why can't that man just return to New York and let my mind rest? Besides, I don't get him anyways. One men he's friendly, the next a total ass.

That's it, no more wasting time thinking about some total stranger who don't give two shits about me. 


I tossed a pillow at my roomie Josh with a scheming laugh. "Guess who that was on the phone'?

Josh gave him a I don't give a fuck look.

"It was Laney" I supplied anyway.

Josh laughed. "No way. What did she want?"

Austin grinned. "What do you think she wants". I smirked and gave my hips a little pump.

Josh rolled his eyes. "I'm sure she called just to beg sex from you".

"Just as well had. I mean she was all like I miss you, I need a friend, blah, blah, blah". I mocked her.

"Well, what did you say to her" Josh asked.

"I said I'm on my way".

Josh sat up. "Dude what the fuck? What about Amy?"

I  shrugged. " What about Amy. I'm going to tell her I've got to go out of town on business. I told Laney that Amy and I broke up."

Josh laughed. "Dude your going to get so busted".

"Naww, I mean I'd be crazy to give up free room and board at the beach. Along with free ass too!" I grinned high fiveing Josh then went to pack.


Double Standards (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now