My Kingdom

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My time had come. Pop's retired and handed the family legacy to me. I am the king. I give the orders. I decide who lives or dies. My motto is "choose wisely". Think long and hard before you betray me, try to get over on me, or attempt to have me snuffed.

I am the king.

My entire journey back to New York, after leaving Laney behind was punishment. My Pop's greeted me at my pent house apartment. I was safe staying here alone. My family owned this place, so most my mafia family lived in the building. We had more security than than the President.

Pop's was proud of my accomplishments in Alabama, but he knew about my extended stay and Laney. His only words on the matter was "Is she going to be a problem?"

"No sir". I thought I saw a glimpse of remorse in his eye's at my answer, but I shoved it aside.

Then he sighed "I hope you got it all out of your system". Referring to my taste of freedom and lack of responsibility.

"Yes sir. I'm ready". I said seriously.

Pop's then informed me we had a snitch captured. This guy had been a thorn in our side for some time. Sneaking info to the Latinos. I would enjoy this kill. My soul needed it.

After Pop's left I headed to the Den. The Den is our secret location burried right here in the city. It's where we do most our dealings, and is the last place our enemies see. Filled with drugs, prostitutes, guns, and booze, it will be my new office.

Once there I was greeted by Marcus, my right hand man. "Give me the dibs on our leech" I asked Marcus, referring to our captive.

"He's all yours and waiting in the pit". Marcus replied.

The pit is where we do our killings. Tugging my black leather gloves on I made my way to the pit. My victim was waiting for me, strapped to a chair, head hanging from where Marcus and the boys already gave him the once over.

He looked up as I entered and started to tremble. "I'm back. I hope I haven't kept you waiting?" I spoke with cheer.

Walking over to him, I grabbed him by the chin making him look me in the eye. "Was it worth it?" I asked.

Thorough trembling lips he stuttered "please have mercy. You have my word I'll never betray you again. Please, I have a family to feed". The slob begged.

That was always the go to. As if I'd change my mind because they have family. "Yes I'm sure you do, but I also have a family to protect, and my family comes first always". I stated with venom in my voice.

He started to cry and beg more. Rolling my eye's I hummed "Enough of the chit chat. Marcus tape his trap shut or staple it, which ever you fancy".

"Yes Boss" Marcus replied eager to do my bidding.

I bussied myself polishing my knife as the high powered staple gun sang it's tune along with the wails of pain. Once Marcus was done I walked back over. "That's some fine handy work you did there Marcus" I praised.

"Thanks Boss".

Looking down at my victim I said "One way to cure gossip is to make sure you don't listen to it so you don't repeat it".

With one quick slice I heard his left ear drop to the floor. I sliced and diced for every emotion I was feeling. Anger for having to live this life, guilt for hurting Laney, the pain my heart was feeling over letting Laney go.

Finally my emotions burned out and the numbness came. I went on and slit my victims throat letting him meet his maker. Upon his last gurgle I simply said "Clean this mess up". Then walked out.

Heading to the bathroom to wash up I looked myself over in the mirror. As I was stareing at my reflection I could see Laney stareing back at me in horror. The question still remained. Could she love me? All of me? Mafia king me? Should I have took her againest her will and brought her back?

No, I couldn't do my babydoll like that. I want to remember her innocent, fun loving ways. I want to remember the way she looked at me, the London I allowed only her to see. Not the way she would look at me if she discovered I was a real life monster. My heart couldn't bare it.

Soon as I left I blocked her from my life. Had it where she could never trace me down. Basically, I never existed. I needed to purge her from my system. Leaving the bathroom I headed to the bar area, swiped me a bottle of Jack and chose two dark headed prostitute's. After Laney, I don't want to be with a blonde. She was the only I'd ever been with and will remain my only blonde.

Time passed and I grew meaner, but was a amazing boss. Nothing went down under my watch. My family was larger and stronger. The money was flowing in. I lived,ate and breathed the business. I entertained a few sluts now and then but when I was done, I was done. Don't bring no crying ass, love story shit to me. I still thought of Laney from time to time. Occasionally, especially on lonely night's I'd pull a picture I snapped of her on the beach out. I kept it tucked away in my bedside table drawer. Rubbing my thumb over her face, I'd wonder where she was, what she was doing, if she got over me and found the love she deserved. I'd kill to hear her laugh again or have her tease me. Sure, I could easily have her hunted down, but I fought the urge. She was better off without me. I missed hearing what would come out of her mouth next, or how angry she could get. She was like a little impulsive bunny. All sweet and innocent, then before you knew it she bit the hell out of you. Night's like this I wished I was normal, lived a normal life, if only for her.

My thoughts was interrupted by my phone. Looking at my screen I seen it was Marcus. "Yea" I answered hazily.

"Boss, you remember those three suits we met with last week? The ones interested in our land with the warehouse?" He mumbled.

"Yes, I remember". I said with annoyance.

Some hotel chain wanted to buy some land from us, but I wasn't interested. That warehouse was our prime location for smuggling products. "Well Boss, seems their not giving up. Their Boss is requesting a meeting with you next week".

"Fuck Marcus, I thought I told you to get rid of them". I boomed.

"Boss I thought I did. Apparently their boss isn't excepting no for an answer".

London sighed. "Fine set this meeting up. This time I will be there and put the fear of God in this pain in my ass. Their boss will except no this time".  I growled.

"Okay boss. I'll set the meeting up immediately. Have a good night" He said in a hurry to get off the phone with me.

After disconnecting I  rolled my neck around, irritated by this pushy ass company, then grinned as how I  would thoroughly enjoy seeing them run with their tail tucked between their legs after I  was done with them. "They will take no for an answer this time". I spoke out loud.

I settled back down in bed, and picking up the picture of Laney to put it away, I  gently rubbed her face and whispered "Goodnight babydoll".

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